So what is a starving golfer supposed to do when there is three feet of snow on the ground? Grab a starving tile installer, a starving college-aged brother-in-law, call your local mobile home park and leave your phone number, employ a secretary to deal with all the calls, grab a couple of shovels, a ladder, and head out! Roofs need shoveled! So praise God! The snow has been profitable for our household. Yeah Jesus!
So since Bill shoveled 'til way past dark for others yesterday, and will be at it all day today, I resolved to take care of the fresh seven or so inches on our porch, etc. this morning. There comes a time when you decide that you don't need to access every part of your house. So one sidewalk is just being covered, but we need a path to the vehicles. I was given a much cuter pair of boots for Christmas this year, but decided that this was a job for my trusty 1991 edition of purple Sorel's. Yes, they are laugh-worthy, but Sorel's are Sorels. They never wear out. They keep you dry up to your knees, and come in very handy when you live in Antartica - er Idaho.
Thank goodness for amazing neighbors who graciously use their resources to help each other out without expecting anything in return - though we do try to thow some homemade bread their way.
Clayton has had two snow days this week, which makes it a little more difficult to get school accomplished with the others.
I wanted to quickly share one of the great treasures from God's Word that I found this week before I have to conquer the rest of homeschooling, laundry, and - oh yeah, a shower - before work.
"He who sacrifices thank offerings honors me, and he prepares the way so that I may show him the salvation of God." Psalm 50:23
It tenders my heart to know that my Savior realize that thanksgiving is often a sacrifice. But let that sink in. Our thankfulness prepares the way for Him to show Himself! Isn't that incredible? We are challenged other places in Scripture to give thanks in all things. It doesn't always come natural. It is often a choice - a sacrificial choice! But it does something for the Lover of Your Soul! It arouses Him to move on your behalf! I've seen it happen for me, and I'm sure you have too. Just like this week. We've had some months of difficulty. Several months of not seeing God's provision like we have in the past. Months of working hard, without fruit to show for it. I have to admit, I've not been all that thankful. But this week has been different. Bill and I resolved on our weekend away that we were going to start choosing to be thankful again. This week, God provided for our rent. This week, Bill has had the opportunity to shovel roofs and make some money. This week, is the one week of the year that my employer projects their employees income a month ahead to close their fiscal year and gives everyone a big check. It almost seems like an "Easy Button." Be thankful. Watch God work. I know, sometimes he works in your heart, rather than your circumstances. We've had months of that too. But God knows your heart, and you can't trick Him. You can say words and not mean them, and He knows. True thanksgiving is often very sacrificial!
Oh, about last weekend. Some friends were so kind to watch our boys overnight and send us away to a home on the lake for the night. We enjoyed dinner at "The Porch" (new favorite restaurant) and then spent a snowy night playing games in front of the fireplace; enjoyed a jetted tub; slept in a big, comfy, resort quality bed; and woke up to quiet, lake views, coffee, and a good time in God's Word together before coming back to reality. Such a blessing!
Well, now that the house smells of pumpkin pie, fresh-baked rolls, and homemade turkey soup and the kids are sipping hot cocoa and putting on dry clothes...I guess it's time for this sweaty snow shoveler to hit the shower!