Monday, July 20, 2009

Small Business Owners Again

It is official. We are once again small business owners! I mentioned all of this a few posts ago. Bill and Craig have been hard at work. We now have a simple website. Feel free to pass it on to all your North Idaho golfing friends! Thank you!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Boarder Girl - Not!

Dad headed out to Borders a bit ago with three of my boys in tow. However, Ian decided he needed some mom time, so we stayed home together. He really wanted to teach me some skateboarding. It's never been on the top of my list, but hey, how can you resist that face? So after a brief lesson on proper footwear, he showed me something where to put my feet and start rolling. I got on the board twice, and I fell - twice! No blood or breaks, thank goodness, but I'm sure I'm going to have some nice bruises in a few hours. I think this girl better stick to boarding on the snow!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

No Hershey Syrup

That's right. I haven't blogged for weeks, and that is what I decide to talk about. Hershey Syrup. You see, I'm spending a week at my parent's house in Oregon. I'm still working in the day, though my kids have different scenery and Uncle Casey and Papa Dan to entertain. I'm helping with VBS during the night at my parent's church and doing random things like help Papa Dan (aka Pastor Dan) make Australian Animal slide shows and try to download gospel videos...and helping Grammy (aka Pastor's Wife) get dinner ready before we rush out each night or after we get home late.

So back to Hershey parents don't have any! None! Can you believe it? Who doesn't have Hershey Syrup? They offered Nestle Quick like it was similar. Not only is there no Hershey Syrup, but my dad has given up caffeine. You know what that means? No coffee! Now, mind you....they do *have* coffee. They have even invested in a French Press. So, I'm saved. But daddy doesn't get up in the morning and make it - which about rocks my world almost as much as Jonathan and Michelle having a baby and Taylor getting married!

My head and heart are about to explode with all of the things I want to write about, but of course, I can't find when to do it. It takes so much time to process the heart exploding things. I always think of it while I'm in the shower or in the car or anywhere else that I can't write - and then when I have personal time with the computer, I'm about to fall asleep on my keyboard. I don't know how to solve this problem. I tried carrying around a little tape recorder, so I could talk to it...but it just doesn't come out the same.

Sometimes I wish I could just run away to a deserted island all by myself and write, but without the amazing circus show I call my everyday life, I would really have little inspiration for writing.

So, I digress back to Hershey Syrup....which by the way I've sort of remedied by making some to die for chocolate frosting today (to go along with a cake of course). I have saved a container of it for myself and will be trying it in my next cup of coffee.