I went away completely by myself. No husband or kids or friends. No conference or retreat or family crisis. No anything, but me, God, and my laptop....for 2 nights!! and two days!!
I had a purpose....a couple really.
I needed a break...a strategic break before golf season begins and I'm on my own for seemingly endless months.
I needed some time to just be with God, without distraction.
I felt it was time to hash back in to my book.
God lined things up so completely perfectly. First of all, some friends in my home group offered for me to stay at their home while they were out of town...their completely spotless, quiet, kid and pet free home. Bill had nothing on the calendar for that same weekend.
Friends were praying. The Bosswoman that rocks brought me a Costco pizza to take with me - you know the kind you never buy because your family would never eat it - the kind with spinach and fresh tomato slices. Nummm..
When I got there, I was surprised by a bathtub lined with candles, rose, petals, chocolate...

and a gift for me.

There were fresh flowers in my room and mints on my pillow.
Others warned me that I would get tired of the quiet.
I didn't.
Not once.
I wrote for 21 hours. I deleted, edited, added, reflected, deleted, edited, and added. I came home with 181 pages in a notebook ready for me to really read through and make sure it flows, find my mistakes, add, delete, and edit some more. I'm praying that in a month, it will be ready for me to pull up my boot straps and try this publishing thing again. Whew!
In other news...
The kids didn't want me to forget what real life was like, so they have been sure to provide plenty of doctor's visits, concussions (well, one is really enough of those), tantrums, teacher conferences, and empty milk gallons this week. I'm really ready for the weekend again. But I've been told that once every 14 years is often enough for me to actually leave by myself.
I disagree.
My mom and dad decided that they would go roller skating with the church youth group last week. Children, do not let your 60 year old parents on roller skates. Friends, do not let friends in their 60's on roller skates. It never turns out well.
Dad's gout really flared up after being stuffed in those skates and he was crippled for several days.
Mom....well, mom makes sure that when she does something, she does it completely and thoroughly. Mom will be having surgery Friday to put a plate and 7-8 screws in her wrist....not exactly a pianist/secretary's dream. Mom waited 2-3 days to go see the doctor. I secretly think she was too embarrassed to show up at the ER again. She's had quite the year or two or six.
On a more positive side note. I'm fairly convinced I have the best friends and prayer partners in the world. I hope you know how much you mean to me. I know I don't tell you near enough. ...since I get out so much and have so much time to talk on the phone and all. But you are precious to me!