We got home yesterday afternoon after nearly three weeks on the road. Bill and I came home sick with sinus stuff and coughs. We let everyone have an hour to play with the dog and enjoy being home. Then we made lists. Three weeks of dust had settled in the house, no A/C for the hottest part of the year (hotter here than anywhere on our route throuth the south.) We promised the kids a night of fun if they each finished their lists by 6:00. So we all unpacked and put away our suitcases, sorted and started all the laundry, unloaded the van, washed the camping chairs, cleaned the bathrooms, washed all the bedding, swept and mopped the floors, vacuumed, cleaned the kitchen, did the dishes, and dusted! Whew! But it certainly felt better to be home. Then we took my brother (who housesat) out to eat with us. The younger three picked the restaurant, so the oldest chose our after dinner activity. We rented the "Shaggy Dog." Just about then, my oldest brother called and announced the completion of his home theatre and invited us to come watch our movie with them (they wanted to see us) in air conditioning. After that, we took brother #2's dog home and headed towards our house, only to run into really old friends backing their moving truck into the driveway of their new home - they are moving back! So we stopped and said hi. Finally got home, made the beds, got everyone settled, took some cold medicine, switched some more laundry and fell asleep about 2 a.m.!
Come Meet with Me!
So....when I woke up at about 6:20 a.m., I intended to go right back to bed. I just needed a potty stop, and figured I'd check load number 16 (LOL!) of laundry. Bill asked, "Are you getting up?" I glanced back and nodded my head, "No." However, on my way back to the bedroom the Lord whispered, "Come meet with Me." This is where my first battle every day begins about Who is really Lord in my life. I really felt half dizzy from the cold medicine still. My first response to the Lord was a very willing, "Are you kidding me? Lord, I'm so tired and medicated. I'm sick." He whispered again, "Come and met with me...just for a little while." He is so tender and not pushy. I argued with Him, but He didn't argue back...just kindly asked, "Come spend time with me." I finally yielded and trudged up the stairs to retrieve my Bible and journal from the stack of undealt with vacation stuff and headed back to the much cooler basement.
I assumed a face-down position and asked God to speak and where He wanted me to look. I must admit, I have been nervous about coming home. The last three weeks have been full of excitement. Every day we knew what we were doing, and it was always a new adventure. We saw so many friends and family - those encouraging us in our pursuit of faith. The question coming home is "What now?" We see God working in us spiritually. We see Him moving so many little ways in our favor. But we don't see Him moving in my book, Bill's golf, or the retreat ministry. What is He up to? What does He want from us next? We're willing - just directionless. Again the Lord prompted that I'm so impatient...always looking for a new direction instead of willingly plodding throught he last direction until He decides its completed.
But this morning, He led me to the Psalms. I needed to see the character of God. God spoke to me through His Word, and I prayed back to Him my heart responses.
Ps. 14:2 - O God, may you see us as ones that seek you!
Ps. 14:6 - Thank you for being our refuge.
Ps. 14:7 - O Lord, restore our fortune.
Ps. 44:3 - Your face is beautiful!! Thank you for your strong arm. O God, save us because you love us!
Ps. 44:23, 26 - O God, don't forget us! We beg for your mercy! Redeem us because of your unfailing love! Rise up and help us!
Ps. 74 - O God, please don't be angry with us.
74:9 - What does this mean? Are we a part of this? O God, we want to see your church restored. Help me to not be so focused on me/us.
74:21 - O Lord, may we not be required to retreat in disgrace!
74:22 - Defend your cause - the cause you assigned us!
Ps. 104 - Praise the Lord! You are so great! You are mighty! You are awesome!
104:27 - The whole earth depends on your provision. Why am I concerned?!
Ps. 134 - O God, may your blessing be on us!
Proverbs 14:14 O Lord, may we be rewarded for our faith!
14:23 - Our hard word did not/has not led to profit. O God, where are you in this?
Verse of the day - Proverbs 14:26 "He who fears the Lord has a secure fortress, and for his children it will be a refuge."
What a sweet time with the Lord.......and then I went back to bed until 9:00 :D
Trip Highlights
I have so much to tell about our trip and pictures to show...but it will take some time to get it all out. For now, a few highights:
*We saw lots of friends and family.
*Slept in a covered wagon on the homestead of the Ingalls family.
*Were able to pray with and encourage four ministry couples during our travels.
*I pulled my first grey hair.
*We were able to be apart of "TheCall" on 7/7/07 and witness the marriage vows of our nephew (Luke Gifford and Christa Black).
*We met Michael W. Smith!
*I now have an official, adulthood, most-embarrassing moment.
*I met Elisa Morgan and Naomi Overton (MOPS CEO and President).
*We built priceless memories with our children. We've been home one night and they are asking to tent camp in the backyard tonight. Camping was a hit!
Cream of Broccoli Cheddar Cheese Soup
1 day ago
1 comment:
Glad it was a good trip A!
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