Well, school started this week. My thought so far? "Somebody shoot me now!" It has been so rough. I'm trying to have an optimistic outlook. It has only been three days. I keep finding things to adjust and changing them a little each day. Some may wonder why I even try this. It would be so much easier on my life just to put them in school. So true. It would. But as parents, we can't just think about what would be easier for us because God has given us the responsibility to keep what's best for four other little people.
Yesterday, we had to go to Spokane for a follow-up appointment with Riley's Dr. It went well. We had a conversation something like this:
Dr. Starr: "I'd like him to stay down for another week or so and not be too crazy."
Me: laughter
Dr. Starr: "Oh, too late, huh?"
Me: Yes..we're pretty back to normal.
Dr. Starr: "Well, I mean, like no bike riding or anything like that."
Me: More laughter
Dr. Starr: "Oh, we're already doing bikes?"
Me: ...and roller blades and pogo sticks....
Dr. Starr: "O.K. Then!"
Then since we were having such a rough day and week and rushing every minute, I thought I'd treat my kiddos to a wholesome dinner at Dick's Drive-In in downtown Spokane. :D Ha! Ha!
After that we had two places to stop. At both stops my boys decided to routinely run off and laugh at my orders to stay close, get in the car, etc. Which resulted in some very "special" time with dad when they got home.
Very cool part of the day, though....We got home about 8:00. Great! Time for bed! I didn't really desire to partake of Dick's drive-in and Bill had just got home from work. When I walked in, he was chopping peppers and onions and frying leftover steak to make fajitas for us. "What?" I said. "My husband is cooking?! Did I come home to the right house?!" It took awhile 'til we could eat because we had some discipline to do, baths to give, stories to read, prayers to say....By then Bill fell asleep icing his knee (yes, it is very swollen and sore from who knows what. We've been to the doc and are now wearing a brace. Running six miles a day isn't helping. :P). By the time we were ready to eat, the phone rang, our dear friends showed up to pick up some things we'd borrowed. We talked until about 11:00. THEN, we got to eat. They were yummy! I really think Bill should cook more often.
Fish and Game just picked up the bear trap. We never caught the bear. We've seen her since, but I guess she's too smart for that.
12 hours ago