When I told my husband yesterday that I hadn't blogged in three weeks, I thought I was exaggerating! Goodness, it really has been. Blogging is definitely where my perfectionism shows up. When I get behind, I don't want to bother until I have time to catch it all up - and when that never happens, I get further and further behind.
So...forget the catching up. Here is where we are now:
The most pressing event is that Riley is having his long-awaited surgery tomorrow. This will correct his kidney reflux that he has had since birth. They will be removing his ureters from his bladder and re-implanting them in his bladder in a different location. It is about a six hour surgery and four day hospital stay.
Besides that, Bill is now caddying for the Coeur d'Alene Resort Golf Course. It is interesting that when we felt pressed to look for work, that all his construction leads dried up, and the golf course had three different positions open. It is also a bit strange for us, since this is exactly what Bill was doing and where he was doing it eleven years ago when we got married. How we've wondered what life might have been like if we just stuck with it and skipped all the between stuff. BUT, we really do know that our lives are richer, our passion deeper, our compassion greater because of the path we've been on. We wouldn't have the ministry desires we do if we'd just stayed here.
On a financial front, we asked God to be merciful and provide what was needed to fill in the gaps before paychecks began to kick in, especially with Bill needing some time off right away for Riley's surgery. Once again, God miraculously provided through an old friend who has been one of Bill's biggest supporters concerning his golf game. It is enough to stretch us through, and also pay Bill's handicap fees and get some coaching. So we are extremely grateful!
There are some dissappointments in the fact that those things didn't happen in time for Bill to be eligible to compete in the August mid-ameteurs, but we trust God is bigger than all of that.
The challenge now, is that Bill's caddying causes him to run about six miles in a round. He calls each night and finds out his schedule for the next day. So far, it is random at best. Trying to figure out when he can work on his own game and having the energy to do it is a big prayer concern. Also, this is of course a seasonal job and is based on a tipping wage. So far, God has blessed with good tips. That is a huge answer to prayer.
Personally, I'm very relieved because our initial thought was that we would both need to work. But my amazing husband is still totally committed to me being able to be a full time wife and mom and homemaker. We will have to be creative, but that's nothing new. I'm so glad because the last couple of weeks have literally kept me running with my normal obligations. I couldn't imagine trying to add a job to my list. Though, I was willing, the idea had me very stressed out and heavy hearted.
What I've been up to....I've been trying to majorly clean out - once again! We had a yard sale weekend before last. I'm dreaming of ways to rearrange some things in the house to make it more functional and beautiful. Wishing for a load of free yardsale furniture to exhange for my leftover junk. :D It is time to organize school stuff. There are 13 boxes of curriculum sitting in my basement waiting for me to decide how to arrange things. I've also spent countless hours on "saving MOPS" and getting things ready for next year. It's going to be a great year!
I still haven't even heard a word about my book. That has me frustrated. I think I know the answer, maybe...but I feel that they have something that belongs to me and are liable to give me an answer within their promised time frame - which is past. In the meantime, dad is bringing his laptop to me this week. I'll be able to sit at the hospital and work on new proposals and get ready to start over.
So, that's that and that's where were at!...for now...
Cream of Broccoli Cheddar Cheese Soup
1 day ago
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