Sunday, September 9, 2007

Life in General seems I need to rework my schedule to look more like a working woman. My regular routine just isn't working anymore with homeschooling. I had gotten myself in such a groove. :P So it's back to laundry catch-up, cleaning, menu planning, errands, and grocery shopping on Saturday. Hopefully that will make the week a little easier.

The other thing I know I'm going to completely cherish is really resting on Sunday. I'm so grateful we can. A lazy pancake breakfast (sour-cream/chocolate chip), time to work with Clayton on the piano, a little worship at the piano myself, a game with the kids, a lazy drive around the lake, time to work on some home-made baby gifts, and grilling burgers with the family. Perfect! Still looking forward to some time to read, etc. tonight.

Bill went to Immediate Care today. He has been nursing a sore knee for a couple of weeks after stepping wrong on the golf course. He's been home for four days, unable to work. They said he needed to stay home for four more. We'll see after that.

I've been fighting a lot of anger lately. Nothing in life seems to make sense. It feels we're right back where we were seven months ago. I really don't understand what God is doing or what we may have missed, etc. I'm learning that I don't need to understand, but I do need to humbly stay on my face before Him daily. My prayer times have gotten lazy. I'm working on that.

O.K. off to flip burgers!

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