I've spent my evening watching the Democratic Fundraising Dinner (well, inbetween rocking a child with a boo boo on his hand, a little "Charlotte's Web", hide and seek tag, etc.). I find that I am way out of the loop on current events. I personally don't believe that Repbulicans have a strong enough candidate to undo the frustrations with the current administrations. I don't really claim to be a die-hard republican. I really believe in voting for the canidate....I have my own personal favorite, but I'm not sure he really has a chance. Yes, I said *he*, so that gives one small hint. But I feel it is good to see what we're up against. We are up against strong voices with the world's strong sense of reason.
I really wish children's shoes would come with a special tag that says, "These laces can be replaced with 36" laces, etc. I'm so tired of buying the wrong size since the charts on the packages are NOT intended for children's shoes.
I came out of Walmart last night and saw a replica of the 1980's model, white, LTD station wagon that I began my driving career in. It made me smile.
Sometimes we do things over and over just because we've always done them that way, and there really is no reason...like the family who had the tradition of cutting the end off the ham before baking. The husband asked his wife one day why she always did that and she said that it was just the way her mom always did it, but she wasn't sure why. She called her mom and asked her why she always cut the end off the ham. Her mom gave pretty much the same answer, "Well, my mom always did. I don't really know why, but her ham was always good." Next time the family was together, the woman and her mother approached grandma. "Why *did* you always cut the end off your ham before you baked it?" "Well," Grandma replied "I never had a pan big enough to fit the whole ham in."
But sometimes we do things over and over because there is a purpose. Last night I forgot that purpose. I have a shopping routing. Walk into Walmart, grab a cart, walk straight to the back of the grocery section, and work my way to the front. For whatever random reason, last night I decided to start in the front. Maybe I was just tired. It didn't take long before I realized that I was going to have to shop really fast if I was going to finish before my frozen foods thawed out....and then there was the matter of always moving the bananas off the bottom and back to the top. Yes, cereal boxes and cheese blocks make much better foundational items in the cart.
When I was working in Chicago, I had a wonderful boss. He engrained so much in me about always looking for how to do things better, faster, cheaper, etc. There seemed to always be a way to improve. I'll be forever grateful for that instilled mindset. Now I continuously find myself evaluating what I do, what I lead others to do. How can we make things better? Is there a die-hard purpose in the way we do it now? Sometimes there is, and it is best left alone....and sometimes you just need a bigger pan for your ham!
This week has been full and wonderfull. It's been one of those weeks where you find yourself running crazy, not sure when you'll be able to breathe. But it has been balanced with great fellowship, coffee, friends, finished schoolwork, birthday preparations, and the opportunity to bear witness of God's work in my life.
Tuesday, I had the opportunity to share a video with my MOPS group that I made regarding my own journey through Post Partum Depression. When we went to Arkansas this summer, I retraced some steps with a video camera and very openly described my struggle and what God has taught me since. It is healing to confess, and it brings healing to others. God is faithful to His Word. James 5:16 speaks of confessing our sins to each other and pray for each other so we can be healed. This is one of those interesting times in Scripture where the NIV just blows it. King James is actually more accurate by using the word "fault" instead of "sin." But even then, it doesn't do it justice. The Greek word translated "sin" here isn't the same one that most of the New Testament uses for "sin" (hamartano-to miss the mark, err, trespass, not share in the prize). The word used in James 5:16 is paraptoma - a side-slip, lapse or deviation, untintenional error or willful transgression, fall, fault, offence, sin, trespass. Sometimes we need to just confess our faults, our lapses, deviation from what is right, our unintentional errors. Confession invites accountability. It invites people to pray over us. It invites healing. It invites others to identify and feel safe to share their own faults and be healed too. It is fun to be a part of that kind of confession.
Wednesday brought a hopsital visit to a friend and her baby, and a date with my seven year-old son. Thursday was a good catch-up around the house day. I cleaned our bedroom and hung lights I've been meaning to hang for a year. We were reminded at "A Weekend to Remember" the importance of the master bedroom being an enjoyable place and not just a "catch-all" laundry room, etc. Boy, we're guilty!
Friday brought coffee with a new friend and prayer together, coffee and cookie decorating with Dawn and her boys in the afternoon. The boys all jumped in the leaf pile and cut out their own pod racers out of cookie dough. It was a mess, but fun. Then a surprise call to do the storytelling for BreakOut, and a great worship service. Friday was also Bill's first day at his new job, and he came home with surprise paycheck that we weren't expecting from hours in October. Coincidently (*cough* whatever!), it was the same amount I'd just spent on groceries and birthday stuff. God is great!
Today a friend trying to revive her Mary Kay business came and did a makeover for me. I proved to be the longest makeover in history. She insists it was the fellowship that made it long and not the challenge of my face. LOL! We had a great time. I'll post pics when I get them from her.
So anyway, it was one of those weeks where you knew that you had actually been productive- not just in getting things done, but in growth, in meeting needs, being in fellowship. Very full!
Tonight, I'm off to make a Star Wars lava cake from Episode 3, complete with Obi-Wan and light saber. :D
Kid sayings - Ian: "You have to seek where you sook last time!"
Cream of Broccoli Cheddar Cheese Soup
1 day ago
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