Bill will continue working as a pro at The Coeur d'Alene Resort Golf Course and letting his leg heal. He is back at work, but pretty sore and swollen when he gets home each day.
I will be the new customer service representative for Mom 4 Life, working part time. Bill and I will both be juggling car pools, drop offs, and pick ups for the kids. I will also continue to be involved in women's ministry at Real Life and writing when I can. Oh! and the first week that all the kids are in school, I have jury duty. Yeah! This is probably the biggest change for our family, as I've been home full time with the kids for over eleven years and homeschooling off and on in there as well.
Clayton is starting sixth grade on Monday at Coeur d'Alene Charter Academy, which is a college prepatory school. It was recently rated in the top half of the top one percent of the nation's high schools. It is a public school, but state-funded, rather than district funded. He will be wearing uniforms. Right now, he is determined to hate the whole thing, but we are very excited for this opportunity and trust his heart will change as time goes.
Riley and Ian
Riley will be in third grade and Ian will in first grade at Sorenson Magnet School, which is also a public school. It emphasizes art, music, theatre, and humanities. The boys will be also wearing uniforms and going to school an extra hour a day, compared to other public elementaries. The pictures you saw in a previous post from Art on the Green showed the boys juggling, balancing on balls, etc...all at a booth sponsored by their school.
Hayden will be going to preschool at Noah's Ark Learning Center four days a week and staying with Daddy on Fridays. :D He's very excited about the playground, and his new naptime gear. He got to go to the fabric store with mom and pick stuff for new pillow and blankets for school.
The kids are all very excited. We've taken special time each day to help them all label their backpacks and school supplies and get everything loaded. We've sharpened over 60 pencils and steamed and hung all the uniforms.

Tonight will be haircuts!
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