Wednesday, October 29, 2008

No Matter Who Wins

Before I post some other things on my mind about the election, I want to remind myself and everyone else about some timeless truths. A friend e-mailed these tonight, and I really want to share!

Top Ten Predictions, No Matter Who Wins The Election

This is something we can count on ... now relax, and go vote.
There will still be room at the Cross.
Jesus will still save the lost when they come to Him.
Jesus will still love you.
The Bible will still have all the answers.
There will still be faithful Bible teachers.
The Holy Spirit will still fill and control believers who name their sins.
Prayer will still work.
There will still be singing of praise to God.
God will still pour out grace blessings upon His people.
Jesus Christ will still control history!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Ups and Downs and In Betweens

Today was the day I've feared for years. The day I would get on the golf course for the first time - not just to walk or ride in the cart - but to actually play. I wasn't afraid of the course or the clubs or the game. I was afraid of myself. I was afraid I would like it. My fears were confirmed. You see, golf is expensive, and I have known all along that we couldn't afford for more than one of us to enjoy the hobby. However, since I can now enjoy free golf and club rental, I can no longer use that excuse. So for this summer, I simply told Bill that he better not let me play because I might be better than him. Well...I wasn't today, but there is still potential.

Today started out with our usual pancakes, but Daddy was home! (The first Sunday morning we've had with him in awhile.) Then we loaded up to enjoy an employee golf day at the course, since the course closed yesterday for the season. I didn't make it to the van, though, before I experienced one of my favorite things ever. I wish I could post video here. Today was the day that the leaves decided to fall. It was like rain. They just sprinkled down. The sun was shining. Our whole yard was glowing gold. I just stood there under the trees with my eyes closed and listened to the drop all around me. Then I filmed a little. In the van, we tried to think of a good name for the day that the leaves fall. It was narrowed down to "American Fall" and "Falltastic!"

We played a few holes of golf with the kids. One of my other favorite sounds besides raining leaves, raining drops, and the patter of little feet across the floor, is the sound of the metal face of a club striking the ball. The sound is even sweeter when you make it yourself! We had a great time!

By the time we got home, our lawn was thick with gold leaves. Riley brought a friend home and all the boys raked for awhile, so they could have jumping piles.

This week has been a big mixture of emotions. I've seen God's tenderness and and blessings, and we've begun to also prepare for hard times. The week begun by finding out that I will begin working from home very soon. That is good news for me, mostly. I will miss spending the day with the girls. But I will not miss the commute or the gas usage. It will be nice to not have to take a day off when kids get sick, and to have an extra hour and a half or so in my day.

I went to the dentist this week. My mouth always seems to baffle and amaze the dental community. This week was no exception. There are thousands of dollars of periodontal work that needs done on my mouth. But it is painful, time consuming, and expensive...and in the past has not been very successful. This week, however, God provided something I'd been praying for - but not with much faith. I'd been praying, but not really expecting it would really happen. The dentist mentioned that he was in a periodontal study group and thought my mouth would be a good test case. He offered to present my case and felt that if I was willing to have lots of dentist look at pictures and discuss the case, and be involved in the work - that we could probably get the rest of it done for pretty much the cost of the supplies!! Wow! Thank you, Jesus!

I also got a treat in the mail this week. I was thinking all week how bad I needed a haircut. I haven't had one since probably January or so. The Lord didn't just provide a haircut, but a gift certificate for a haircut AND a pedicure - from the sweet friend who cut my hair last. I was amazed.

...and then the downs...The golf course was instructed by the resort owner to make severe cuts. The mall store will not happen this Christmas, and Bill is laid off already. We weren't sure it would happen at all this year, and certainly not until after Christmas. We are praying through our options, and would appreciate your prayers too.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Weekend

You know you are out of touch with the world of an 18mos older when you turn around to wipe off the table, and the little stinker crawls up to the computer and downloads a google desktop and changes your home page. WHAT!!??

This weekend my husband gave me a gift…one that I’m not sure he even understands the value of. For the last several weeks, I have spent my entire Saturdays cleaning. This week, however, was our home inspection and lease signing - on Friday. So my husband cleaned the whole house on Friday, since he was off work! So not only did the house look great, but it felt like I actually got a day off. I spent my Saturday being social, which is something I have very little time for these days. I babysat for a couple of friends, dropped in and out of another friend’s for her daughter’s birthday party, ran some errands with my oldest and enjoyed that quality time with him, popped into a friend’s coffee shop, visited Bill at work, helped some other friends unload their moving truck, had lunch with family, went for a bike ride, and made dinner for afore mentioned friends that were moving. It was great!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Another place to listen to Angela Muse....

I've been invited to guest blog for Mom 4 Life. My first post was published today right here.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Why do I convince myself?

It was Wednesday afternoon. I get off work early two days a week and decided I would take advantage of this to take my kids to the largest pumpkin patch around - the Walmart parking lot. I know it isn't as sentimental as loading up and going to your local farm and buying apple dumplings, taking hay rides, and having your picture made with a scarecrow. BUT the price of gas - and pumpkins with a prestigous farm pedigree are something to consider. So off we went. For $3.25 each, my kids got to pick out whatever pumpkin they wanted. Of course we had to dig to the very, very, bottom of several boxes just to make sure they hadn't passed up the best option, but in 15 minutes time, we were done!

However, inside the store it wasn't so easy. I just needed a couple of things, but an hour and a half later, I was convinced that I would probably indeed starve to death inside my local Walmart store.

Every time I started to the checkout line, one of my considerate children reminded me of something else that we REALLY needed or something I PROMISED I would get the next time I went to the store. They were usually right.

The real trouble started, though, when I got in line. If you happened to catch an unruly child break-dancing in the floor of the checkout line on Wednesday night at the Post Falls Walmart, you know where I was. The boys were being good, but let's face it. Noone should stand in line that long. It was a good thing that I wasn't buying any camping supplies, or I probably would have just started setting up a site right there in line just to make a point. In fact, I think we could have probably carved our pumpkins before we left the store.

The really sad part, was that Bill had graciously gone for dog food earlier in the day, so that I wouldn't have to take all the kids to the store.


You know you have boys when....

You find a bag of crickets in your freezer.
You realize that the crickets are for the snake in a box full of pine needles in the bedroom.
Every.time. you go in the bathroom, you flush for someone else, pick up the bathmat and wipe toothpaste off the counter.
You are the designated bug removal person at work.
Your van smells like a locker.
You don't bother throwing away socks until there is less of them, than more.
You realize that you no longer understand things like nail polish, jewelry, and matching purses.
You have to BEG your kids to PLEASE use a Kleenex!!

Well...those are just a few.

I also decided today, while driving around town, that it would be difficult to run for public office with a name like Boggess. I know its not spelled the same, but it just makes me laugh everytime I see it....not a good sign when trying to win vote.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


It's funny the kind of things you wish for when you think of your kids getting older. One thing I've always looked forward to was everyone jammying up and snuggling down all over the living room for a family movie - that everyone would actually sit and watch. We've started a Friday night tradition of doing just that. After church we pop in the movie that arrived the day before by Netflix, and snuggle down to watch an old classic or lesser known movie from the Christian media circle. Last night we all fell asleep - in the living room - all six of us!

We woke up this morning and the boys were going back and forth, marveling how we all fell asleep in there and slept there all night. They started accusing each other of things.

Riley: Ian, when I woke up, you were snoring bad.
Ian: No, I wasn't!
Riley: Yes, you were!
Ian: Well, if I was, I was just kidding.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

From the Kids

"I hate Donald McRonald. He's so ridiculous." -Riley

Ian: 100 is the most boring age, because you just die.
Mom: But going to heaven isn't boring.
Ian: Yeah, but you have to lay in the ground for at least a day, because it's not like "doo-doo-doo and your done!"

Talking through Riley's discipleship homework with him about God having a purpose for our life...."For when David had served God's purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep..." Acts 13:36

Mom: What do you think that means Riley?
Riley: Well after awhile of obeying God, David got really tired and went to sleep.