You find a bag of crickets in your freezer.
You realize that the crickets are for the snake in a box full of pine needles in the bedroom.
Every.time. you go in the bathroom, you flush for someone else, pick up the bathmat and wipe toothpaste off the counter.
You are the designated bug removal person at work.
Your van smells like a locker.
You don't bother throwing away socks until there is less of them, than more.
You realize that you no longer understand things like nail polish, jewelry, and matching purses.
You have to BEG your kids to PLEASE use a Kleenex!!
Well...those are just a few.
I also decided today, while driving around town, that it would be difficult to run for public office with a name like Boggess. I know its not spelled the same, but it just makes me laugh everytime I see it....not a good sign when trying to win vote.
Cream of Broccoli Cheddar Cheese Soup
1 day ago
Dear heavens. I'm right there w/ ya, sister....
Dear heavens. I'm right there w/ ya, sister....
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