Have you ever had one of those dreams where you spend your whole dream trying to get somewhere, and never did get there?
Well, I had a real-live day like that yesterday. It started the night before, actually. I had worked a ten hour day trying to get ahead for the rest of the week, knowing that today I'd be off some for Bill's surgery. I've been so focused on Ian's birthday party, Bill's surgery, and getting work taken care of, that I forgot the one thing on Ian's mind.
"Mom! Tomorrow, I get to take snack for the WHOLE class because its my birthday!"
Oh, yeah. Didn't even think about that minor detail. Thankfully, his requested for frosted brownies, had been prepared for ahead of time by the Lord (who is always watching out for me). There just happened to be brownie mix in the cellar WITH frosting in the box!! Yipee!
So we made them, frosted them, and covered them with sprinkles.
However, yesterday morning was crazy. I had staff meeting in Athol, and I needed to load several bins of returned products, my laptop, get lunches made, breakfast on, everyone ready and out the door. I managed to pull it off...however, without breakfast for myself, my meds, or COFFEE.
I knew I was going to need gas before the day was over, but was sure I could make it to Athol before filling up and be at work on time.
After dropping everyone off at school, I headed from downtown Coeur d'Alene to the far north end of town to head out to Athol. A quick glance to the right, caused me to realize that that famous pan of brownies was still sitting in the van! So, I had to turn around and head all the way back downtown. When I dropped them back off at the school, the teacher asked me if I was coming back at 3:00 to celebrate. Now realizing that my trip back downtown was pointless because I could have brought the brownies back at 3:00.
Now I needed gas. I wasn't going to make it anywhere....and I really needed Coffee. After filling up, I headed back out to Athol and called in an order to a local coffee shop, so I could pick it up on the way. When I got there, they were just starting it!!
I was 1 hour and 15 minutes late to work! Now, I only had two and a half hours to get my work done...which meant I would be working late that night after a fundraising event and before the morning of Bill's surgery.
So, I rushed back to be back at Ian's class in time for his "birthday party." I ran in five minutes late and the teacher sweetly glared at me, requesting I never do this to a teach again (bring a messy snack and forget a spatula). She didn't mean it harshly at all, but I had to hold myself together. It was almost the straw that broke the camel's back!
After heading to Figpickel's to pick out a birthday gift and getting Hayden from school, we headed home to do homework, eat, etc. I made several phone calls. "I won't be at church tomorrow night. I'll be taking care of Bill." "I'm sorry, we won't make it to home group tonight, we need to support this fundraiser." "Can you please take our kids to church tomorrow night?"
Then we headed off. I was feeling very overwhelmed for what still had to be done and what I had on my plate. I was feeling guilty for missing home group and guilty for not having a gift for Ian before his birthday and not remembering to make cupcakes. We stopped by Costco to pick up a picture to scan on a cake. We stopped at Safeway to order the cake. The kids were all griping that we were going to be late to Skate Plaza where the fundraiser was being held.
.....and then the best moment of the day! We walked into Skate Plaza to the fundraiser for Clayton's discipleship group to go on a mission trip. I bumped into a lady from our home group on the way in and joked about how I caught her! We were both playing hookey!
Then we got in the doors, and I saw Faye and Brian and Marti and Christina and Breann...and on and on. Our whole home group had decided to cancel the regular group and come to support the fundraiser and surprise us! I was surprised! and felt so loved and supported. It was really fun to sit and chat with so many people, and skate with my kids. They were so cute. We did the conga, and held hands and went under legs, and did the chicken dance, etc.
Another Funny
Hayden (talking to me): I had a dream last night that there were two of you. I had two mommies!
Me: Well, that would be a little silly. But I guess if there were two of me, one of me could go to work and one of me could play with you and read stories.
Hayden: (big grin) ...and the one that reads the stories would be the real you!
Cream of Broccoli Cheddar Cheese Soup
1 day ago
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