- To stop living in shame over my appearance, and get with it! I realized that for our entire marriage, I've felt embarrassed about my body. At first, it was just the natural shyness that comes with being a newlywed. But two months into marriage, I was pregnant. Obiviously things changed a lot and kept changing between four pregnancies, etc. Now, at 36, I sometimes don't know who I'm looking at in the mirror. Many of my friends are disgusted when I insinuate that I need to lose weight, but I know that I'm not taking care of myself and that I'm ashamed of what it has resulted in. The devil has used that to defeat me in many ways, and I'm not going to let him win anymore!
- To stop coming up with goals for myself! I realize that I'm in a stage of life where goals are simply frustrating, because I am powerless towards their pursuit. I really want this to be the year that I really *learn* (not just know I should) how to give my day to God each morning and ask for His action plan.
I also spent a little time reflecting on how birthdays change. When you're a kid, you wake up somehow knowing that the day is to revolve around you. We used to get to pick our favorite box of cereal from the store for our birthday morning - so all the cereals we weren't allowed to have the rest of the year, was the breakfast of choice. We also got to pick what mom would make for dinner and what kind of cake and what it would look like. It seamed that every detail of the day revolved around you - the birthday girl!
Yesterday, I made myself my routine bowl of cholestoral-reducing oatmeal and worked a full eight hours. The kids kept running in with baby birds they had rescued and were giving them flying lessons in the living room. One flew onto my shoulder and then pooped on my chair. My oldest asked my why I didn't want to do something, I said, "Cause its my birthday, and I don't feel like it." "It's your birthday?" he asked. "YA!"
Times change. But don't think it wasn't good. I had a great day!
For some reason, my 28th birthday stood out to me yesterday. I'm not sure why. I think it was the first birthday I really felt like an adult. Baby #3 was on the way. I spent the day with my little family at Downtown Disney watching my boys be enamoured with the giant lego creations. We took a great family photo with Tigger and Winnie the Pooh and went home for Peach Pie. It was a terrific day.
I was wondering if eight years ago, I even thought about what life would be like in eight years. But I can say, I sure think about what life will be like eight years from now.
Eight years ago, I had red hair (by accident). Today, I'm plucking single grey ones. In eight years, I will probably be coloring it on purpose.
Eight years ago, I was a tanned Floridian. Today, I'm a pasty-white Idahoan. In eight years, I will probably be wrinkly.
Eight years ago, I had two preschool boys. Today, I have four very active boys! In eight years, my oldest will be 2o!...and my baby a teenager.
Eight years ago, I was living on dreams. Today, I'm working hard to get by each day. Eight years from now, I pray those dreams will become reality because of the hard work.
Eight years ago, I didn't know if I would hear from any friends on my birthday. Today, I have 375 friends from all phases of my life, who I connect with on Facebook. They all knew it was my birthday, and I got tons of good wishes! Eight years from now, I'll probably be able to host a virtual birthday party.
Anyway...the picture above is of is Karin and I after Bible study. Her birthday is the day after mine.
...and here are some pics of the baby birds.