Thursday, June 11, 2009

Moths and Bees and Lizards! Oh, My!

I can't tell you how many times this week I've said, "Careful, guys! It might be poisonous!" The boys have come in every day with something new or sometimes two or three times in a day!
In Clayton and Riley's room, there is a newt in a jar, a 10 inch night crawler in a jar, what is left of a tattered up moth on the desk, and the latest catch - an Alligator Lizard (which appearantly is native to this area) in a coffee can. Ya, that's right, we make our kids catch their own pets.

Yesterday Ian came running into the house with a ziploc bag full of wasp larva (in all different stages of development) that he had harvested from a nest he knocked down...bringing a whole new meaning to "I'm bringing home a baby bumble bee!" I taught him the song. I couldn't believe he had never heard it before! He laughed all the way through and then sang it for Bill later. Very cute!

Yesterday, we ran by the grocery store to grab some food for company. The kids asked who was coming, and I told them it was daddy's friend from the golf course. "Oh, ya" said Riley "Craig!...well, if Craig is coming, why don't you just look on Craig's List and see what he likes to eat."

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