HOWEVER, I have decided that my phone is not an area that I enjoy being so high tech. After dropping my phone on the tile for the 13, 329th time, it finally really did need replaced. There were so many nice options that I could get for free or just $20 or so, since I was due an upgrade. I finally settled on a Motorola Rival. It had a full slide out keyboard, for easier texting, a touch screen dial pad, and several other cool features.
I had it for about 3.6 hours before I decided I hated it. But I've always been taught to give things a fair try. So I did. I tried for three weeks. Still hated it. I don't like needing two hands to text. I don't like switching my brain from landscape to portrait when I tilt my phone. I don't like having to slide the keyboard open to tell it what letter in the contact list to look for and then close it and turn it again to actually talk to them once I've dialed. Several times, I have entered my pin to hear my voice mail, then put the phone to my ear. My ear graciously dialed another number on the touch screen and "presto" I have now entered an invalid code.
Example: I received this e-mail this week:
Hi Friends,
Gov. Schwarzenegger is being pressured more from all sides to sign this bill. If signed, SB 572 would pressure every California public school to have an official Harvey Milk Day promoting the homosexual, bisexual, and transsexual agenda to children as young as kindergarten. The sky is the limit on what a school considers suitable commemorative exercises. This is written so broadly, SB 572 could allow gay-pride parades on campus, cross-dressing, and homosexual marriage dramas, etc. It all going to come down to how much pressure California 's governor feels. Remember, last year the Democrat- controlled Legislature passed Harvey Milk Gay Day, but Schwarzenegger vetoed it. This year, Schwarzenegger is being lobbied more heavily by homosexual activists. Sean Penn, who played Harvey Milk on the big screen, and Milk's homosexual activist nephew, have both personally lobbied Schwarzenegger to ask him to sign SB 572. Other differences from last year is that there are four more Democrats in the Assembly voting for Harvey Milk Gay Day. And for the first time, a Republican, Senator Abel Maldonado, is supporting this anti-traditional family value bill.
Make this call, it will only take about 60 seconds to complete.
Call: Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger at 916-445-2841. This is an automated call. Listen to the recorded message and press in the following order:
1 for (English)
2 for (legislation)
1 for (SB572)
2 is (against)
I don't know if I can really help California or not, but I thought, "Why not try?" So I dialed the number, pressed 1 for English, pressed 2 for legislation, pressed 1 for SB572 and put up to my ear, where my ear promptly dialed 1. I VOTED FOR IT!!!!
I really wanted to chuck my phone on the tile that smashed my last one. Really, I did. However, I restrained myself. Instead, I traded a co-worker for a Moto 755 in purple. We are both happier.
Take that!, you stupid phone!! The Rival is no rival to a flip phone for me.
So, I now urge you all to get out your phones and make up for my vote.
....and I also tell you this, so that when years down the road, I vote for public office, and the scandals begin about how in 2009, Angela Gifford voted for SB572, you will already know the full story. Yes, I was a victim of phone vote rape.
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