Yeah for working dryers!
Two loads at work in the washer and dryer....and probably only four more left after that!
So here is a little bit about laundry at our house. A friend tipped me off a while ago to buying plastic dish tubs at the dollar store, one for each family member. I fold the laundry straight into everyone's tub, and they are all responsible to take care of their own tub. The tubs then go back down the laundry chute for me to reuse. It works great! - most of the time.
Hayden is famous for putting EVERYTHING down the laundry chute. He puts his tub down the chute. He puts his shoes down the chute. He puts his stuffed animals, bouncy balls, and action figures down the laundry chute. He even occasionally puts himself down the laundry chute. Sometimes, he even puts down his dirty clothes.
Ian is also famous for climbing up and down the chute. The first time he did it in a Spider Man costume and was very disappointed that his webs failed him, resulting in a rather large scrape up his back. Ian also remembers exactly what he accidentally left in his pockets. This week it was .94. Ian also thinks his Zorro suit needs washed after every play session.
Riley always has the biggest laundry pile. Always. This upsets him. He is continually getting upset at me for giving him so much laundry to put away. Riley also generally has the dirtiest clothes.
Clayton is famous for leaving his laundry tub in the floor of his room until it is so mixed with clean and dirty clothes that he just throws the tub full of clothes back down the chute for me to re-wash, folded socks and all. This does not make Wonder Woman happy.
Bill and I have a problem. Even though the laundry chute is four feet from our bedroom door, and the laundry room is roughly seven feet from our bedroom door, we can't seem to get our laundry there. I guess it is because we miss the thrill of throwing it down the chute. So our laundry simply piles up on our bedroom floor or the bathroom floor or the hooks on the back of the bathroom door or the bench at the foot of our bed or on top of the dresser. It is sad. Really sad.
But by the end of the weekend, there should be no excuse for laundry piles least for a few hours. :)
Things I'm thankful for:
- Nummy dinner tonight and a fun time at the table with the kids.
- A bag of beautiful red apples that we discovered on an overlooked tree.
- Hot showers
- Pumpkin Spice candles
- Flannel Sheets
1 comment:
I'm glad I'm not the only one up to my eye balls in laundry! I do the same trick with the laundry tubs and my kids are equally fussy with putting their clothes away but what really surprises me is that mine and Jason's are usually the ones that are way overfull. I guess we need a mean mom forcing us to empty them (like the kiddos have).
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