Monday, November 30, 2009

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas!

When we first got married, our tree was meticulous, Victorian...pristine. We carefully made perfect bows with burgundy, velvet, brocade ribbon and evenly spaced them on the tree with their ends, trailing like streamers, to the next bow. We filled in between with antique gold lace. Our ornaments were all gold and ivory - Victorian angels with harps, angels with bells, angels just flying. It was picture perfect.

But then the kids come. They start coming home from Sunday School each week with a new "ornament." - a picture they drew and drizzled glitter all over....a photo of themselves inside a paper bell....a foam manger scene all glued together or a Popsicle stick stable. They proudly march in to hang it in the middle of your pristine, picture-perfect, Victorian tree. It doesn't match. You try to move their ornaments to the back, assuring them that it is really empty back there and could use their decorations....but soon you have 56 of these precious ornaments, and the back of the tree can no longer contain them.

That was the year, I resolved to let the kids take over. We strung popcorn. We strung cranberries. We hung candy canes and all of their handcrafted ornaments...and all the ones Bill and I had collected growing up. It wasn't perfect or pristine, but it was full of love.

As the years have gone by, I can't imagine going back to "my tree." This one is so much prettier. One of my favorite memories is of Hayden sitting by the tree at 13 mos old, and chewing on the popcorn strands. (Some day I will post more old pictures. My old pictures are better anyway, since I had a better camera. However, they are all trapped in the downstairs computer without a working monitor.)

I so wish I could capture the beauty of the lights on a tree. I really believe this is by far our prettiest tree ever.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Best Weekend Ever!

Wow! I knew I needed a vacation, but I didn't really realize HOW BAD I needed a vacation.

I went ahead and took the whole four day weekend off, and I haven't had four days off in a row - at least since last Christmas...maybe longer.

I was a little sad at the beginning because we really wanted to go to Oregon and be with my parents, but it just didn't work it out. But God was really good to us in lots of ways.

A couple of days before Thanksgiving, we received a surprise in the mail - completely anonymous....the kind of surprise that lets you breathe deep and know that you can pay your bills this month...and there will be Christmas at your house.

We had good friends over for Thanksgiving, and I enjoyed pulling out the china, and grandma's green crystal, and my mother-in-law's silver.

Friday morning was a first for Bill and I. We realized that we had a 12 and a half year old, and a guard dog - so why on earth couldn't we go black Friday shopping together?! It was glorious! We honestly didn't see a lot in the ads that we were excited about, but snagged a couple of good deals.

Riley wants one thing and one thing only for Christmas - drums! Well, they are a little out of budget. I've been checking Craig's List, but even there, they are too much. But Friday night, I saw a snare on sale in Sandpoint, so Bill and I drove up (AGAIN - BY OURSELVES!) to Sandpoint and grabbed it. We also took a little time to walk arm in arm down through the snow flurries, in the streets of downtown Sandpoint and window shop. It was magical!

Part of what I was sad about not going to Oregon, was simply the good talks Bill and I always have on long drives, so the two hours Sandpoint trip really helped make up for that.

Today I took a four hour nap! Yes, four hours! We didn't sleep in today. We actually got up and took everyone to the 8:00 service, since only half of us made it to church on Friday. You know how when you sleep too long in the day, you wake up feeling groggy and icky, and regret your nap? Well...this wasn't one of those times. I think I really needed it.

All in all, the tree is up. The house is decorated. We've been making peppernuts. The December Birthday parties are planned. I feel more on top of things than I have in a long time - especially for December. Yippee!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thanksgiving Blog Quiz

1. Are you sticking to traditional Thanksgiving foods this year, or are you being culinarily adventurous?
Not really. I am trying one new recipe...slow cooker stuffing. One less thing in the oven.

2. Tell me something concrete that you’re thankful for. (Something you can literally touch, see, etc., not a concept like “hope.”)
A surprise in the mail today and the ability to share.

3. You knew the flip side was coming: Share about something intangible that you’re thankful for.
peace amid unpredictable circumstances

4. Share one vivid Thanksgiving memory. It doesn’t have to be deep or meaningful, just something that remains etched in your memory.

One year my Granny and Grandpa dressed up in real live Pilgrim costumes that Granny had sewn and gave all of us grandkids feathers to stick in our hair.

5. What is one thing that you know beyond a shadow of a doubt is going to happen this Thanksgiving because it always does, year after year?

I will spend most of the day in the kitchen

6. Do your pets get any left-overs?


7. Does your family pray before the big meal? If so, do you join hands while seated, stand, repeat a formal prayer or offer a spontaneous prayer? Who does the praying?

Yes, we pray. I'm not sure it is ever the same year to year.

8. Will you be watching football in the afternoon? If not, what will you be doing?

I do not watch football. If I'm really lucky, I will take a nap while others watch football.

9. There are two distinct camps of people on this issue: How do you feel about oysters in the dressing/stuffing?

Never had oysters in stuffing. Wouldn't mind trying it, but not at the risk of ruining the stuffing for Thanksgiving.

10. Do you consider yourself informed about the first Thanksgiving?


11. Which variety of pie will you be enjoying?

Pumpkin, Pecan, and Jeff Davis

12. Do you feel for the turkey?? Does the turkey feel for me? Silly.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Hayden is 6!

....and he and Ian are just way too cool!

Here's a little glimpse into his special day. :)

Festive Fall Family Feast

There is nothing more fun than getting ready for Thanksgiving!

We slept late; and when I showered and got to the top of the stairs, the three youngest boys were giddily waiting for me. We made breakfast! We had soggy granola, dry cinnamon toast and coffee with honey, chocolate, caramel, cream, and sprinkles.

It was the best breakfast ever!

The boys cuddled up with Superman on the couch to watch movies. Superman injured himself yesterday doing nothing that was really super. He was just helping someone undo a trailer hitch. But his back is sore...very sore....the kind that makes it hurt to take a full breath.

So while they all snuggled and watched movies, I sorted through recipes and made a list.

I only had two helpers on my shopping trip today, but we managed to get it done. The only thing about coming home from shopping for Thanksgiving dinner, is that you don't want to wait four days to make it. So I planned a little special dinner for tonight.

Harvest Salad:

Toss together:
Field Greens
Dried Cherries
Crumbled Blue Cheese
Toasted Pumpkin Seeds
Dress with:
Balsamic Vinegar
Olive Oil
Black Pepper

Boursin Bites: (I was served a sample at the grocery store and came home to back them. Nummy!

Dice one or two 1/4" slices of deli roast beef. Mix with two packages of Boursin cheese (O.K. I know it is the name of the recipe, but I cheated and used a tub of Rondule to save money), some minced green onion, diced black olives, 2 T. of mayonnaise and a few shakes of celery salt. Spread the mixture on baguette slices and garnish with a strip of red pepper. Broil until the cheese is bubbly/golden.

We also had Green Tea Ginger Ale (Courtesy of Canada Dry) and Pumpkin Fudge...which is totally to die for...and whose recipe I am not sharing yet. Mwahhahahaha!

In other news, check out the very fun video Clayton made today. He and his friend Ryan took turn taping each other with a cell phone over the weekend and then Clayton came home and edited and added music. Good job, bud!

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Snow on the cracking in the fireplace (good place for the fire to be in a home of four boys)...fluffy, clean dog resting on the kitchen floor....oldest son is making shoes out of duck tape (Don't ask me what possessed him to make duck tape shoes, but he insists he's wearing them to school on Monday. He's in middle school. There are some things you just don't try to understand.)... boys doing their best to sled in one inch of snow.

Axel F


more Axel F

clean bathroom, kitchen, and dining room....birthday cake made and ready for Hayden to draw his own picture on it...

Axel F

We took the kids on the annual Toys R Us "go through the store and show us all the stuff that looks cool to you" pre-Christmas browsing trip. We wished we'd brought a video camera. We were also looking for what to get baby Audrey for her first Christmas. We found a teddy bear the size of Bill. We also had a "find the noisiest toy in the baby aisle" contest.

Axel F

Clayton and Riley invented a game for us to end our day with. It was actually very fun.

Me: Where is the dog soap. I just bought more! (frantically search)
Family: silence
Me: Come on guys, who hid it!? I just bought more because I couldn't find the last bottle that I know we have.
Family: silence
Me: I think someone is playing a sick joke on me!
Bill: Angela, You are the only one that ever gives Buddy a bath. No one else will know where you keep the soap.
Me: Yes! I'm very well aware that I'm the only one that gives Buddy a bath! (I did finally find it with the WD-40?)

Bill: Buddy (the dog) You are getting fat!
Hayden (patting Buddy on the head): Don't worry, Buddy, not the mean kind of fat.

Did I mention Axel F? For the first time in my life, I've actually considered grounding kids from the piano.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


I've been thinking about my appliances today. Mostly because I spend a lot of time with them....and also in this month of thanks, I'm realizing that I didn't pay for many of them. In fact...maybe only one.

First there is my fridge. I'm grateful for my fridge. It is the first refrigerator I've ever owned. It was given to us by some dear friends who had sold a rental, when our rental fridge was going out. Our property management company told us that we were welcome to buy ourselves a fridge if the provided one didn't work any more. Well, we couldn't. (Don't worry. Said property management company has since been fired.)

Our refrigerator is lovely and white (well, except for when it isn't white) and covered in the customary artwork and magnets of most family fridges. Our only problem is that we seem to have a habit of breaking the bars that hold the milk in the door. We've broken two now. I don't understand how this happens.

Our microwave (aka storage shelf) was also a gift from a dear couple in our church in Arkansas who felt so sorry for us for not having one. I didn't really see it as an essential, especially since we only had about two feet of counter space. But they did, and I'm o.k. with receiving one as a gift. :)

Our first bread machine was a hand-me-down from my mother-in-law. I use it probably 5 times a week. I used it a LOT. I mean a lot. The day it walked itself off the counter and fell into three pieces, I literally panicked. No! Take the coffee pot. Take the microwave. You can even have the dishwasher! But please, not the bread machine! I was quite attached. I put it back together, and surprisingly it worked for a while. Then one day, we smelled smoke. We all ran around the house frantically looking for the source and, well, it was the bread machine. We were without for quite awhile until Christmas bonuses and gift cards allowed for its replacement.

The coffee pot is essential to my husband's mental clarity. Don't get me wrong. I like coffee too, but no one will die if I don't have it. Someone also gave us our coffee pot. I believe it was when we hosted a home group at our house, and were having difficulty serving everyone with our French Press. We miss our French press. But we seem to break those a lot, too. :( An interesting side note. This is our only appliance that isn't white.

The mixer is used daily. It is hard to remember life before it. You can turn it on, set the timer, and whipped cream and meringue practically make themselves.

Our stove is very reliable. It needs cleaned bad. I hate oven spray. We seem to have a difficulty buying the right size of burner liners. So consequently, most of our burners sit at an angle instead of laying flat. Oh well!

The dishwasher. Oh, lovely dishwasher. I'm very grateful for the dishwasher. We have not often had a dishwasher. It wasn't too big of a deal when it was just Bill and I - or Bill and I and Clayton. But doing all of the dishes by hand when there were six of us, was a bit more challenging. Especially when we only had two feet of counter space to lay them on to dry...because I don't dry dishes.

Because of the efficient design of our kitchen, the dishwasher and oven cannot be opened at the same time (I told you my oven needed cleaned.).

Nor can the refrigerator be opened the whole way. At all.

Our dishwasher is provided with the rental. Recently it has decided that it will not open the soap cup on its own. So we have to set the timer and go back and open the soap cup. This doesn't always happen, and we often get to wash the dishes twice...or sometimes three times....

Which brings me to the topic of the water heater. We are very fortunate that this home has not one, but two full size water heaters. One that supports the kitchen, and one that supports both bathrooms and laundry rooms. This comes in handy when you have to run your dishwasher three times per load.

We had been married about six months, when we moved from Idaho to Phoenix for Bill to start seminary. We were about five months pregnant with Clayton; and being the overly ambitious woman that I once was, I planned on using cloth diapers. This process is a bit cumbersome without a washer and dryer. Lucky for us, the apartment complex that we choose to lease from was having a contest. Sign a 12 month lease and be entered in a drawing for a washer and dryer.

We signed a 12 month lease, and we won! Of course, they don't make things like they used to. That was 13 years ago. The dryer gave out first. We have since replaced it with a $20 thrift store dryer because the parts required to experiment with repairing the dryer (when you really aren't a dryer repairman) are more expensive than just buying a $20 thrift store dryer and starting over. However, as when the motor went out on this dryer, we couldn't find another thrift store one. So Bill replaced the motor, then the fuses, then the switch, then the heating core. There seemed to be nothing left to replace. But most recently, the dryer has decided it needs us to flip the breaker and reset the outlet after each load, so that it will continue to heat up. Oh, well!

The washer has also been replaced with a nice, refurbished used washer. Also a gift from someone who had compassion on this mom hauling 21 loads of laundry to the laundromat and spending a car payment in quarters to do the laundry.

I'm not sure what God had in mind by gifting this family of boys with a house full of white appliances. But I'm amazed that God cares that they match...and I'm very grateful for all of them.