Wow! I knew I needed a vacation, but I didn't really realize HOW BAD I needed a vacation.
I went ahead and took the whole four day weekend off, and I haven't had four days off in a row - at least since last Christmas...maybe longer.
I was a little sad at the beginning because we really wanted to go to Oregon and be with my parents, but it just didn't work it out. But God was really good to us in lots of ways.
A couple of days before Thanksgiving, we received a surprise in the mail - completely anonymous....the kind of surprise that lets you breathe deep and know that you can pay your bills this month...and there will be Christmas at your house.
We had good friends over for Thanksgiving, and I enjoyed pulling out the china, and grandma's green crystal, and my mother-in-law's silver.
Friday morning was a first for Bill and I. We realized that we had a 12 and a half year old, and a guard dog - so why on earth couldn't we go black Friday shopping together?! It was glorious! We honestly didn't see a lot in the ads that we were excited about, but snagged a couple of good deals.
Riley wants one thing and one thing only for Christmas - drums! Well, they are a little out of budget. I've been checking Craig's List, but even there, they are too much. But Friday night, I saw a snare on sale in Sandpoint, so Bill and I drove up (AGAIN - BY OURSELVES!) to Sandpoint and grabbed it. We also took a little time to walk arm in arm down through the snow flurries, in the streets of downtown Sandpoint and window shop. It was magical!
Part of what I was sad about not going to Oregon, was simply the good talks Bill and I always have on long drives, so the two hours Sandpoint trip really helped make up for that.
Today I took a four hour nap! Yes, four hours! We didn't sleep in today. We actually got up and took everyone to the 8:00 service, since only half of us made it to church on Friday. You know how when you sleep too long in the day, you wake up feeling groggy and icky, and regret your nap? Well...this wasn't one of those times. I think I really needed it.
All in all, the tree is up. The house is decorated. We've been making peppernuts. The December Birthday parties are planned. I feel more on top of things than I have in a long time - especially for December. Yippee!!
Cream of Broccoli Cheddar Cheese Soup
1 day ago
Going shopping without the kids must have been GLORIOUS!
Happy *late* Thanksgiving!
So happy for your fun weekend. Drew and I are the same way about long car rides - those are always our best talking times!!
I'm totally commenting, even though you say I never do. Sounds great, wish I was there.
You crack me up!! We wish you were here, too.
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