Saturday, January 30, 2010
Christina G
Death by Hand Sanitizer

True Story: Last night, I was deep into thought and prayer during our Friday night worship service. It was communion time. I swigged my grape juice and ....gasp! What was that? It wasn't juice! It tasted like Chloroseptic. (BTW, did you know you could by Chloroseptic on Amazon? Who knew!)
Anyway....I looked around wondering if everyone else was gasping - or was it just me? No one else really seemed phased.
I sang the next song. My tongue started to feel heavy. Suddenly, I was gripped with paranoia. I've been poisoned. I know I have. I felt hot. My skin was crawling. I was sweating. I left everything in my seat and walked out the back.
Now, our church is rather large. We have a security team. They are good. I love them.
A staff friend so the look on my face as I emerged from the auditorium. I told her my weird story and how dumb I felt. She radioed security and three big guys walk up to handle my grape juice cup.
"Really," I said. "I'm not insane."
My friend, Shannon confirmed. "No, she isn't a crazy person."
"I don't know what I just drank, but it wasn't juice."
Burly guy #3 grabs my cup and takes a whiff.
"NO! That is not grape juice!"
Burly guy #1 doesn't smell anything.
Burly guy #2 is seemingly there for support.
Burly guy #'s 1 and 2 run off with my cup.
Burly guy #3 takes me to the security office and takes down all my information and tells me if I start to feel bad, to come get them, and they will get me to the hospital.
Now, weird things have happened at our church. Why?
Well, anytime you put 8,000 people in one place at a time, weird things are bound to happen.
Anytime God is moving, the enemy likes to make weird things happen.
Hence, the security team and the radios on every chilldren's service lead, and the Fastpass check-in system that we use for kids (and I man every Friday night), and the guy guarding the stage entrance, etc.
SO. The top concern, of course, was. Did someone intentionally tamper with the communion? How many people drank this? What did they drink? Do we have a "situation" on our hands?
So after the kitchen was inspected and foul play was ruled out as much as possible, burly guys started to look for a reasonable, logical explanation for my tainted juice.
The conclusion? Hand Sanitizer. That is the other thing about my church. We buy Germ-X by the cases. You can find a bottle by every Fastpass computer station, the nursery counter, the bathrooms, and apparently the kitchen. They mixed another cup intentionally with hand sanitizer and juice and smelled it. Yep! It smelled the same.
They called me back to the security office to confirm their finding. I, too, couldn't tell the difference between the two cups. It seems that someone simply overshot their squirt of hand sanitizer, and I got the lucky cup. Woo hoo!
They assured me that it shouldn't put me under.
Though all my friends encouraged me not to drive home.
I'm still alive today, so that is good news.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
My Morning Menu
It is like picking from a menu.
- Exercise
- Shower
- Dress
- Read Bible
- Do Hair
- Do Makeup
- Eat Breakfast
- Switch a load of laundry
- Empty Dishwasher
The problem is, I can only pick five of the nine....on a really good morning, I might get six.
Can you guess which ones I've been skipping lately? Have you seen me lately? Well, there is your answer. Am I using my own picture on my Facebook profile? Has anyone run into me in public this week? Do I really exist?
Back to the days where makeup was for special occasions and my hair gets done twice a week. I've been fairly humbled this week. I've had to go into my kids' school three times.
This morning, we were 30 minutes late for school. Unbelievable.....and it wasn't because I took time to look beautiful - but of course, I had to go in and sign everyone in looking lovely.
I had to really focus myself on their sweet prayers the night before to get through the hassle of this morning. Last night, they were praying for Haiti. It was so priceless. So special. Two of them prayed that we could adopt one of the babies. ...a boy of course!
Follow Shmollow!
I've fallen in love with live bookmarks, so I keep track of a few favs very easily that way. AND yesterday, I discovered, that I can send Google reader to a live bookmark. I can just hit "next" and it scrolls me through all my friends' latest posts. So I spent today catching up on all of you!! Yippee!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Let's Talk About Boys
Let's Talk About Boys is just what it sounds like - targeted to moms raising their boys.
I haven't wanted to muddy up my Those With Young site with ads, but keep it simple and peaceful and focused. But I'm hoping to explore the field of earning an income through blogging with this particular site.
Wish me luck!...and come check it out! :D
Monday, January 18, 2010
- You get a text message saying, "Be aware that i made a pretty big mistake cutting my hair. I'm sorry..."
- You get a voice mail to make sure you got the text message, asking you to not be mad and telling you how much he loves you.
- A large pile of hair in the trash can
- Resistance to removing the hat
- Waking up screaming in the middle of the night because you think a different man is in bed with you. (O.K. that didn't really happen.)
Ian tried to cheer him up and let him know that he looks 20 without any of his gray hair showing.
So....should he shave the rest of it off?
Thursday, January 14, 2010
January Randomness
I got my annual haircut last week. Yay!

We had some Christmas money left, and on my way out the door, Bill said, "Why don't you get it highlighted?" I haven't done anything like that in years. It was fun to get really done up! :)
I can't say enough how much I love being on the same work schedule as my husband!
I'm finally getting my groove on with some exercise, and can't believe what I lie I've fed myself for so long about being too tired to do it. I've had so much energy this week! Last night I swept and vacuumed the basement, cleaned out a bunch of tubs and drawers, put away all the random tubs sitting in the basement, hooked up a new monitor, caught up the laundry, and cleaned my bathroom....after working all day and doing two workouts! Wow!
I'm finally getting in a groove with writing time and Bible reading time again. I'm reading my Bible through again this year and am always amazed at the new things I learn.
Both of the above two things have a lot to do with Bill and I having the same work schedule.
Did I mention that I rarely have to pick the kids up from school anymore? Yay!
Thinking a lot about Matthew 18 again this week and wondering why on earth it is the hardest passage for Christians to pay attention to.
Am wondering, based on the amount of extra long, size 7 pants Ian and Hayden keep inheriting, if God knows they are getting ready to hit a growth spurt.
I read Isaac and Rebekah's love story this week. I love this story because it is the story that helped me know I was supposed to marry Bill. His proposal came as quite a surprise, and even though I had loved him for a long time, I was uncertain about how I felt at that time. I had really gotten to a place of letting him go and being content with singleness. When I got to verse 58, God said, "Hey! I'm talking to you!" I had Genesis 24:58 engraved on the inside of Bill's wedding band.
....and that is it for January Randomness.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Day Brighteners!
I just wanted to take a minute to share some fun stuff that has encouraged my heart this week.
I asked several friends this week to pray for favor for me as I sought some counsel concerning this ministry. God has been good. Not only did I have a very encouraging "counseling session", but God has done some specific "techie/number/type" things for that aren't critical to God's kingdom - but they are certainly encouraging to me.
- Yesterday had the highest number of hits in Those With Young's history...actually double the amount of the previous high.
- Today, I realized that Those With Young, now has a Google Page rank of 1 out of 10. That is just a beginning, yes; but it is a beginning. In perspective, E-bay has a rank of 8 out of 10 and the six your old web store I work for (Mom 4 Life, with over 900 products), has a rank of 4 out of 10.
- I have received a number of very personal e-mails from women this week, that let me know that God is speaking to them through this ministry, and I'm so thankful.
- Those With Young received a blog award this week. It isn't like a Pulitzer Prize, but it is kind of fun - and since it was given to me by one of my favorite bloggers, I am honored. It is the Happy 101 award, and it is given to someone who brightens your day.
This award comes with a couple of rules. First I need to share with you 10 things that brighten my day....and then share my favorite 10 blogs with you, while passing on the award. I did share this on Those With Young, as well...but thought I'd share it here too!
So here are some things that brighten my day (not necessarily in order of importance):
- A fresh word from the Lord
- Coffee - especially when my husband makes it for me in one of our special "I Love You" mugs
- Sunshine...don't care if it cold, as long as the sun is out
- My husband's hugs, kisses, and "I love you" text messages
- The funny things that my kids continuously come up with to say
- An e-mail, phone call, or Facebook message from a girlfriend
- Time to write
- Serving at church on Friday nights, where I help welcome new families and get their kids placed in the right classes
- A cheerful customer on the phone
- When my boys lick me goodnight. :P
Now, for my ten favorite blogs. I have lots of blogs written by mom friends that I love to read. But I'm not really sure that they intend for the world to read their blogs, so I've tried to not send the world their way today and just share those that I know mean to be "public."
My long time and real life friend shares the adventures of raising four children. She is the one who gave me this award. We share a birthday, though several years apart. I know her love for the Lord, her husband, and her kids...which is why I can confidently laugh through the reality of her daily life (and often identify). The Lumberjack's Wife is seriously my daily comic relief.
My niece in law, Christa Black, who has been touring with the Jonas' Brothers (and previously with Michael W. Smith and as their violinist, back up singer, and guitarist, shares about her passion for God, eating disorders, learning to see herself through the eyes of God and lots of other heartfelt stuff. She has just started Project Beautiful, and I'm really excited to see what God does with it.
Another real life friend and mother of four, shares lots of great recipes and ways to teach your kids to choose good foods. It is creative, informative, and inspiring.
This is the blog for the store I work for. There are a lot of personal stories on here that my boss has written about her journey in parenting and with the Lord. I also get to post some articles every now and then, that may or may not have appeared on Those With Young. I also do several of the product ads on the blog. A few other moms post, too, about parenting, going green, etc.
I just won the Glo Bible software, so I'm loving the tips on this blog for how to use it, and what all it can do!
This is our former pastor in Arkansas, that Bill served under as music minister. He now pastors in Puyallup, WA. I love the theological discussion he starts on Facebook. His thoughts are always so interesting....and even though his blog is brand new (and he has only posted once), I'm trusting that he will have a lot more to share in the future.
This blog gives me tools to learn to build my own widgets and play with html code. I love it!
Simply filled with all the recipes I grew up eating and lots more!
A real life friend and professional photographer. I'm inspired by her ability to capture beauty.
LPM Blog - It's Beth Moore. What else can I say?
Now, I'd like to go a step further and share ten people that I wish WOULD blog.
- My cousin, April. She is just hysterical, and I miss hearing her perspective on life.
- My cousin, Keli, because, must run in the family. She is totally witty, and I just wish I was more connected to their lives.
- My mom....because she has been saying for at least three years that she going to start one.
- My dad because he writes great funny stories and poems, as well as being a great theologian.
- My friend and old roomie, Jo Shmo, who is a mother of eight - and I've never seen her with ruffled feathers.
- My friend Kristine, who used to blog....and I don't know what happened. Maybe she doesn't realize how great her writing is!
- My friend Santha, who is just far too busy; and I wish I could hear more of her thoughts- for I could chew for a week on her simple, thought of the moment.
- My friend Kim, because I know she would have beautiful pictures, and words of wisdom, and funny thoughts.
- Deborah Hiebert, because I know she writes out pages of stuff each week, and I wish I could read more than just her Facebook statuses. :)
- Greg Johnson, because I could soak up his parenting insights on a daily once a quarter classes just aren't quite enough. :)
So thank you for celebrating with me and enjoying the bright spots in my life. I hope they brighten your day too!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Extravagant God
It seems like every year, I'm trying to find ways to make Christmas simpler - to focus more on Christ and less on stuff. We've gone to a three gift rule (based off Jesus getting three gifts from the wise men). We've lowered and lowered our budget (some out of desire and some out of necessity).
But every year, the more simple Bill and I aim to be - the more generous others are.
This year we were completely blown away at Christmas. One day, while I was out, someone filled my van with food and presents. Bill and I had already been blessed with a little extra money "mailbox money" (anonymous gift one finds in their mailbox), and felt like we had done okay for our kids. So the extra stuff was completely unnecessary - appreciated, but unnecessary. It was like frosting on the cake.
But it gets better! Christmas Eve Bill and I slept on the couch in the living room to accommodate family and to be right there when the kids woke up in the morning. Earlier in the day, one of the shelves on our entertainment center collapsed. So I fell asleep staring at it and whispering to God those unspoken thoughts that you don't utter to anyone else. "I wonder when Bill and I will be able to get a new with doors that hides everything....and a flat screen t.v. that mounts to the wall, and we don't need this huge bulky cabinet?" It is a request you don't dare utter to anyone else because after all, you can barely pay your bills and are grateful that you have everything you need. You have a t.v. and an entertainment cabinet, and people in Africa are starving and dying of AIDS. It is a dream - a wish, definitely not a need.
The next morning, after finishing Christmas with our kids, we headed to my brother's. On the porch was a huge box. It was labeled with a UPS style label from Santa's Workshop at the North Pole to the Gifford Family in Dalton Gardens. No one knew where it came from.
We opened it last. It was a flat screen t.v. No kidding. I couldn't even speak. Are you kidding? I don't need this. This is extravagant, unnecessary, over the top.
I have looked my family members all in the eye and they have assured me that they don't have that kind of money laying around. No one will own up to it, and we have no idea where it came from. The next day we scored a beautiful cherry, glass topped cabinet at a thrift store with doors and pull out trays for all our CD's, stereo, etc. It is all hidden. We have been busy rearranging our living room and hooking everything up.
In the meantime, God has been speaking. My goal each year is to help my kids focus on the Savior. When there are so many presents, I sometimes feel sabotaged. But this year, God spoke something new to me, and it has been my theme.
I am an extravagant God!
Yes, I meet needs. But I usually go beyond what you really need.
I could have saved you from hell and not offered heaven, but I want you to have extravagance.
I could have just canceled your debt, but instead I paid the dearest price of my son - because I wanted you to know what you were worth to me - how far I would go for you.
I could have just saved you and kept you at a distance, but I want a relationship with you - and I want you to live with me forever.
I could just meet your needs - provide your bare necessities-, but you are dear to me. I want you to know I hear the things you only dare whisper to me, and I listen.
I love you, and I will be extravagant with you.
I don't know what your Christmas was like this year. It may have been slim. You may not have experienced what we did. But no matter what, I pray that you see what God has done for us in the spiritual realm and see how extravagant He is. Because He loves you just as much as He loves me.
As posted on Those With Young, December 29, 2009