True Story: Last night, I was deep into thought and prayer during our Friday night worship service. It was communion time. I swigged my grape juice and ....gasp! What was that? It wasn't juice! It tasted like Chloroseptic. (BTW, did you know you could by Chloroseptic on Amazon? Who knew!)
Anyway....I looked around wondering if everyone else was gasping - or was it just me? No one else really seemed phased.
I sang the next song. My tongue started to feel heavy. Suddenly, I was gripped with paranoia. I've been poisoned. I know I have. I felt hot. My skin was crawling. I was sweating. I left everything in my seat and walked out the back.
Now, our church is rather large. We have a security team. They are good. I love them.
A staff friend so the look on my face as I emerged from the auditorium. I told her my weird story and how dumb I felt. She radioed security and three big guys walk up to handle my grape juice cup.
"Really," I said. "I'm not insane."
My friend, Shannon confirmed. "No, she isn't a crazy person."
"I don't know what I just drank, but it wasn't juice."
Burly guy #3 grabs my cup and takes a whiff.
"NO! That is not grape juice!"
Burly guy #1 doesn't smell anything.
Burly guy #2 is seemingly there for support.
Burly guy #'s 1 and 2 run off with my cup.
Burly guy #3 takes me to the security office and takes down all my information and tells me if I start to feel bad, to come get them, and they will get me to the hospital.
Now, weird things have happened at our church. Why?
Well, anytime you put 8,000 people in one place at a time, weird things are bound to happen.
Anytime God is moving, the enemy likes to make weird things happen.
Hence, the security team and the radios on every chilldren's service lead, and the Fastpass check-in system that we use for kids (and I man every Friday night), and the guy guarding the stage entrance, etc.
SO. The top concern, of course, was. Did someone intentionally tamper with the communion? How many people drank this? What did they drink? Do we have a "situation" on our hands?
So after the kitchen was inspected and foul play was ruled out as much as possible, burly guys started to look for a reasonable, logical explanation for my tainted juice.
The conclusion? Hand Sanitizer. That is the other thing about my church. We buy Germ-X by the cases. You can find a bottle by every Fastpass computer station, the nursery counter, the bathrooms, and apparently the kitchen. They mixed another cup intentionally with hand sanitizer and juice and smelled it. Yep! It smelled the same.
They called me back to the security office to confirm their finding. I, too, couldn't tell the difference between the two cups. It seems that someone simply overshot their squirt of hand sanitizer, and I got the lucky cup. Woo hoo!
They assured me that it shouldn't put me under.
Though all my friends encouraged me not to drive home.
I'm still alive today, so that is good news.
I needed to laugh today...thanks!
That was HILARIOUS! Glad you are okay! I have to wear one of those radios. I look so silly. :)
I'm sorry that I laughed. That stuff tastes gross residually on my hands, I can't imagine taking a swig of it. Bottoms up!
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