I'm not going to bore you with all the details today. Things went better. I only had two kids home in the morning, and actually had NO kids home for the afternoon.

I just want to give kudos to my amazing boss. I chose this picture because it shows her in action, giving back to women in need. Heather donates 10% of her company's profits to Open Arms. She has a heart to help women in need.
Lately, it seems that I am often a woman in need. Considering how many of my days end up like yesterday, I would have been fired long ago working for anyone else. But Heather allows me to work from my house and multi-task as she knows moms can do, and trust me to get the job done and do it right.
God used my relationship with Heather today to remind me of something in our relationship with God. We have a company that has been pretty difficult to work with lately. It has resulted in long phone calls and some financial loss.
Today, the owner of the other company e-mailed my boss to complain about my simple-mindedness and how many times they'd tried to explain things to me and how I just didn't get it and on and on. Now, what she didn't know is that we have a very open relationship at our workplace. We make sure that we all know what is going on. So my boss sent me the e-mail. Yes, it made me mad. But the important thing was that she backed me up. She knew that I was better than that and took my side.
I was thinking today how that is how God's opinion of us is. The world may tell us we're stupid or irresponsible or have bad motives or whatever they think. But God knows who we really are, who he made us to be. He knows the truth, sees the truth, and defends the truth for us.
I would be a mess if I let an e-mail like that toy with my head and let their words sink in. But I know its not true. One of the main reasons I know it isn't true is because my boss says its not. ...because really my own view of myself doesn't count for much.
That is the way it is with God. If we listened to what the world says and let it sink in, we will be a mess all the time. But we have to listen to God and what He says about us. It is His opinion that matters.
Yay, God!....and yay, Heather!
What a wonderful blessing!
Sounds like a great boss. And we know you are not simple minded! :)
I'm happy to have found your blog! Sounds like I'll really really enjoy getting to know you! Thanks for the comment on mine!
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