Thursday, May 13, 2010

Tricky Tonsils

Yesterday, our dear Riley blacked out at school. He was sitting on a stool by his desk, fell to the floor, hit is lip on the trash can (which resulted in a nasty cut), then hit the floor (which resulted in a bump). His teacher walked him to the office. Apparently, he was white as a sheet. He said that he had a couple of dizzy spells during the day and the night before. So we went to the doctor for a diagnosis. He was talking slowly and deliberately and telling the same stories over and over. I could just generally tell he wasn't himself.

The doc checked blood pressure, pupils, heart rhythms, reflexes, muscle control, ears, nose, throat, etc., etc., etc. Nothing popped out as a clear diagnosis. So we went home. He had another dizzy spell last night, so I kept him home today. He laid on the couch and watched t.v. most of the day and complained of a headache.

The doctor wanted us to come back this afternoon and just re-check everything and make sure nothing else jumped out. So they checked blood pressure, pupils, heart rhythms, reflexes, muscle control, blood sugar, ears, nose, throat - "Riley? Does your throat hurt?" "Nope." "Are you sure?" "Yep." "Cause it doesn't look so good today."

I explained to the doctor that he has had strep several times this year and that he never has normal symptoms. In fact, a couple of years ago, we ended up at the ER on a weekend because of weird symptoms that seemed kidney related. He didn't have a sore throat. But the diagnosis? Strep.

So the doctor did a culture, and guess what?! Positive. Strep. Again. #4 this year.

We talked about Riley's strange sleeping he rips his bed apart every night and ends up on the floor most of the I hear him up at midnight, rummaging through he is impossible to wake up in the morning and has been very cranky and moody.

The doctor explained that sometimes tonsils can interfere with sleep. Weird. Who knew.

So we're off to see a ear nose and throat specialist. Riley isn't so thrilled about the prospect of having his tonsils out, but I am! Enough is enough! Black outs, hives, sleepless nights, leg pain, back pain. Seriously.


Anonymous said...

My daughter had to getr her tonsils and adnoids out when she was 3. Helped her sleeping a lot!

Sounds like he has had a rough time. :( Hopefully he will feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

My daughter had to getr her tonsils and adnoids out when she was 3. Helped her sleeping a lot!

Sounds like he has had a rough time. :( Hopefully he will feel better soon.

Lisa said...

Gee...poor Riley! But the prospect of all of that going away has to look good to him! Will be praying for confirmation with wise dr.s

Heather said...

Poor kiddo! It is amazing how much trouble tonsils can cause! Hope you get the answers you need.

Imagine That! said...

Yuck! Ayla passed out a couple of times last year and it ended up she had Mono. I will be praying Riley can be treated quickly and back to his usual all boy self.

Imagine That! said...

Yuck! Ayla passed out a couple of times last year and it ended up she had Mono. I will be praying Riley can be treated quickly and back to his usual all boy self.

Anonymous said...

Poor guy! My dear Hubby still says, "That's a Riley face." When one of ours does something terribly cute. ;)