Ian has a pet fish now. It is a little plastic goldfish that he received as a prize at church on Friday. He has lovingly kept her in the bathtub and gathered worms from outside to put in the tub for her food. When others question why she doesn't move, he insists, "She's sleeping with her eyes open." It is interesting to have one boy who doesn't have a concept of reality vs. fiction, and another who is adamant that there be no error in anyone's conversations.
Worrying About Faith
Something I've learned from our own journey and those who have opened their hearts to us concerning their's. It seems that much more time and energy is spent worrying about what will happen *if* we take a step of faith, than the actual doing of it.
Let me encourage you....it's worth it! It's hard, but nothing compares to the peace of obedience. When you are following Christ in faith, you can confidently say, "That's not my problem." Most of your problems simply become the responsibility of The One Who called you to step out. He's got you covered! It's much worse to mourn over the life you wonder if you could have if you did it.
A friend recently said, "We always want the greener grass in someone else's yard, until we realize what it was fertilized with." So true! Life feels pretty exciting for us today, but wow!, the last two months have been pretty hair-raising - and I'm not sure we won't be back there again. Everything comes at a price! Have you spent some time lately considering the cost of serving Christ? (Luke 14:26-35) Are you in this to be a disciple? or just hoping for a good fire insurance policy?
Blog Subscriptions
Thankfully, I have a few friends that are much more web-savvy than I. Now if you look to the right of the screen, you will see a blogarithm button. You can fill in your e-mail address and receive and e-mail every time I update. If you e-mailed me yesterday, I've already entered your address.
Cream of Broccoli Cheddar Cheese Soup
1 day ago
1 comment:
Oh Angela! I'm so glad you are blogging again! I miss hearing stories about your boys! What happened to Ian's baby sister? Did I miss the blog about that one? I love that he even brings worms in to feed Connie. LOL What a hoot!
Congratulations on finishing your book!
Some exciting news on our home front, Lane asked Jesus to be his personal Lord and Savior almost two weeks ago at revival, he will be getting baptized this next Sunday night!! :)
Tell everyone we said Hi!
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