Ahh! French Press Coffee! 'Tis divine. I shall never return to my old ways of drip. :D
In other breaking news, we are having company tomorrow. Since the house is a horrible construction zone mess (new flooring still in process), I thought I'd make up for it by baking something yummy. After surveying the pantry, I decided that Grossma's Gingercreams were just the ticket - a yummy soft molasses/ginger cookie. So I busily got to mixing. I even had some cold coffee left in the pot. Perfect! I can make them just like Grandma did.....until I realized I was out of ginger! Well...I guess they will be more of a soft cinnamon/coffee cookie. That's not all bad. Good thing my kids like coffee!
By the way, I inserted some pictures into previous blogs of Riley's face after his accident, Clayton's birthday, and the garden work if you care to take a gander.
The goal for yesterday was to finish planting the garden. I really think that ideally, gardens are planted before June. (major eye-roll going on here). But it is North Idaho, so I’m not as far behind as some might think. However, the weather, once again, has decided to *not* cooperate. Instead, I decided to make it a major kitchen cleaning, re-organization day. I moved several things around to free up a large cabinet for all of my china. Then I moved all the china from the cold cellar up to the kitchen. After that, I could move all of the canning jars from my hall pantry to the cold cellar where they nicely sit on the shelves, anxiously waiting to be filled with the fruits of the unplanted garden. Then I was able to move all the paper goods from the cold cellar and kitchen counter (blushing here) to the hall pantry. Ahh! That was a long time coming!
I also watched my exercise video - yes watched. The object was to make a cheat sheet for myself, so I no longer have to watch the video while exercising. I can exercise and watch the news, or HG, or something a little more motivating than, “Breathe in. Breath out.”
…and can I just say I love sheet protectors…you know the little vinyl pages you can slip a document into. They make great checklists w/ a dry erase marker and can be used over and over. My kids can mark out their spelling words as they right them (for the one whose prone to losing his place). I can put my newly typed up exercises into one and snap it in my clipboard, etc. LOVE THEM!
Cream of Broccoli Cheddar Cheese Soup
1 day ago
HI Angela :) if you are loving your French Press...you have got to try the AREO Press. Pretty amazing. Aaron and I LOVE COFFEE...and have never tasted anything better.
Congrats on the organization!!!!!!! Living out of suitcases proves to be quite the mess!!! I miss closets :) :)
Love ya! Rachel
I am also loving sheet protectors! Very handy and they save LOTS of paper!!! :)
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