I can't tell you how blessed we feel. Bill donated the labor, and our landlord provided the materials for flooring upgrades. I cried when it was done. I really didn't realize how gross it really was until it felt all warm and clean and homey. It's amazing how much more motivated I am to keep things clean when there is a reward of it looking nice when you are done. Also, God provided the beautiful furniture for us last summer from some dear friends who were moving away and didn't want to take the furniture.
So tell me....what does it mean when you say, "I could use some good news." ? What is good news anyway? Is it a ear tickling statement that elevates your spirits momentarily and makes you feel like something is happening or is going to happen that will make you feel all good inside - even if it's just for a moment? Or is it the confidence that God is working -no matter if it feels good or not. I mean, really! Real good news is knowing that God is working things together for good is it not? (Romans 8:28-29) But so often, we just want something to feel good for a moment. But if real good news is confidence that God is working, then chin up, brothers and sisters! God is always at work! He is at work on behalf of those who love Him for His ultimate glory and your ultimate sanctification. The good news is that He never changes, that He loves you completely, that He will always do what is best and accomplish His kingdom purposes. That is good news!! And we can say that every day! Hallelujah!
Off Soapbox....
You know, it hasn't been an ear-tickling kind of day. There is tough stuff going on. For us, hard times seem to come in sets. Hardships seem to hit healthy, family, finances, and direction all at once. It often feels that there is not a chance to really deal with one or the other - like trying to be safe in a hailstorm by holding a leaf over your head.
I've been feeling sick. What I thought was just allergies, may not be. I've been trying to rest and taking cold medicine - which helps for the cold, but leaves me feeling medicated and shaky. Sometimes, I think I would do better in life if I felt this way all the time. It automatically gives me this sense of dependency on the Lord - a feeling of vulnerability and need for protection. So I cry out to him more.
The power/gas company, phone company, and cable company were all here today spray painting to mark underground lines as they said the owner was preparing to dig and hook to city water. This is one of our few clues and feelings of uneasiness that our lease might not be renewed this year. I feel at a neutral place in my heart over it. Truly that's the Lord. A year ago, I would have wilted into a heap if you'd told me I had to leave this place. It has been home, but if God has other plans, it's o.k. We've been praying that if God wants us elsewhere (closer mileage wise to our church, Clayton's hopeful school, the golf course, etc) - that if we are not going to be able to use this land for retreat, if we are wasting dollars and time upkeeping this property and He needs the resources to go elsewhere - we are willing. We've simply asked the Lord to make the decision for us. If we are not offered the lease, we'll know He has something else for us. But what? That is the uneasiness - not knowing what the rest of the summer will hold, or where we will move at this time of no official income. But God knows.
Today was a little more productive. After Riley spilled a glass of milk in the fridge, I was suddenly motivated to thoroughly clean the fridge out. I cleaned out some more dishes for our yard sale. I've decided I'm officially done with apples. I still like them, but it has been 11 years, and it's time for something else. The house is actually clean tonight, the yard picked up, and I'm off to do some mending before bed.
1 comment:
Wow, Angela, I can't wait to see it all in person! I'm sorry you're feeling sick. Hopefully feel better soon.
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