I've been mulling over that statement a lot lately. I think I'm beginning to understand it. Faith sure is work.
My heart is really full tonight on so many levels.
Yesterday was busy. I didn't mean to be gone all day, but I was. I returned home to find the whole yard dug up, a water pipe broken, and the cable line cut. No water. No internet. No t.v. Can I just say the no internet was almost as dreadful as no water? It all worked out fine. In fact, we had a nice dinner with J&M and then the kids spent the night with them. I had some wierd allergy attack I've never had before and couldn't stop coughing and itching. So after we got home, I took two Benadryl and went to sleep.
I woke up cranky, depressed, sad, and mean! I needed lots of time on my face before God and time in the word. Galatians 5 was my minister today. My heart was encouraged in so many ways. Still I felt this dark cloud I couldn't get rid of.
Confession is a wonderful thing!
I was able to go to the gym later. I've been enjoying a class called "STRONG" (weight lifting aerobics?). Anyway, on the way home, I called a friend and just told her how awful I'd been. It felt so good just to get it out. Really. It changed my attitude. God's Word is so true to itself!
My Garden is a Joke!
I'm learning that the things I struggle with in my relationships are parallelled in my garden. I'm learning that weeding is time consuming, and I don't like it. I tried this square foot gardening method for most of my garden. It sounded good in theory. But I think it is for the very involved gardener. I gues my life is just too full for lazy days in the garden. When you plant rows of seeds, you may have to pull some out, but you will probably have enough. In gardens and in life, it is good to sow lots of seeds - and not have lots of weeds. We have two pumpkin plants, three watermelon plants, three corn plants, five bean plants, a handful of radishes and carrots, and a few hills with assorted squash or cucumbers because I honestly don't remember what I planted where. Maybe next year will be better - or maybe I'll skip it altogether.
I read about Samson to the boys tonight. I began to wonder about modern-day parallels for those who are totally yielded to the Lord - a modern day Nazarite. The power of God's Spirit is only proportionate in one's life to their yielding to Him. The more we are empty of ourselves, the more we can be full of His power. What might we be missing out on?
Our House
For weeks again, I've been praying. Our lease was almost up. I keep wondering. Did God send the homeowner here on the day I asked last year to show me He was working or to give me a "no," so we could move on. This year, I'm co-coordinating MOPS in Post Falls, our church is in Post Falls, Bill golfs in Post Falls, and we're hoping Clayton can go to school in Post Falls. Do you see a pattern. It seems wasteful to me to keep renting out here and drive to Post Falls (20 min. each way) 1-2 times a day between Bill and I. But, where would we go? Our income doesn't really facilitate new leases. So we've been praying, "God, if you want us to stick it out. If you have a plan for this property that we can't see - and aren't getting to see now, if you want us still here, let us be offered the lease again. If not, our hearts are neutral. We're ready to move elsewhere if you see fit."
Yesterday in the hub-bub of the water lines, etc., the owner told Bill that he wanted us to lease again. So tomorrow, they are coming over for a visit. I'm nervous. But trying to trust that God has a plan that we don't understand.....trying to be faithful to move forward when nothing makes sense and we feel so resourceless and often on our own. I know it's not true. But day to day, it sure feels that way.
Cream of Broccoli Cheddar Cheese Soup
1 day ago
1 comment:
Good luck today Angela!
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