This has been a BIG week! The snow started right on cue, the last week of November, just as you expect in North Idaho. We enjoyed HOURS in the snow. Clayton, Ian, and Riley became quite the little snowboarders in the backyard. Snow forts were built, sleds were broken in, snowmen were built, and the Costco size box of hot cocoa was put to use.
Then came Sunday. It warmed up to the fifties and rained and rained. Everything is green. The snow is gone. The sleds wait patiently on the porch, and the boys wait not so patiently in the house. A sledding birthday party was revamped, and on we go.
Monday, about 4 a.m., we awoke to the merry sounds of dripping water. The arcaic drain on the roof that is supposed to allow all water from the roof to flow through our pipes to the sewer was backed up and the water was in the hall, the kitchen cupboards, the walls, and the basement floor. Bill climbed to the roof and begin to push the water off. I mopped and sopped until all the children awoke to the strange sounds above them. But no fear! They needed up anyway for this was the day we would head back to Sacred Heart for one more big, scary test, to see if Riley's surgery was completely successful...
AND IT WAS!! Riley is due for an ultrasound in a year, but is doing great! Praise God!
We stopped at the mall to see Daddy at work, got the brothers from the Brisset's, ran a few errands and headed home just in time for another blessing. Snow tires! After a few hours of car swapping and countless car seat switcheroos, a dear friend arranged for snow tires to be put on our van at no cost to us - or him! Thank you, Jesus! Then, we actually had a real live date without kids. It was a little rushed, but needed.
With all that has been on the horizon, I actually took a day off from MOPS. I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned. The normal dirt around here is bad enough, but add the water mess, thinset dust from the shower construction, the Christmas tubs that desperately want to be opened and have their contents dispersed, the dishes from a dinner at our house Sunday night that never really got cleaned up - and we were a real mess. Honestly, sometimes, I don't know why I clean. I know I could clean all day every day and never run out of things to clean. But it does feel good to escape to one corner of the house that has been worked on. I cleaned our room top to bottom, caught up laundry, made scads of phone calls, and ran a billion errands.
...which was great because today began a whole new set of things to do. We have three birthdays this week to pull off, so there are parties to organize, cakes to bake and get in the freezer, etc. MOPS Steering tomorrow, so details to organize, brunch to make.

Bill hiked to the ridge this morning where there was still snow, and cut down this tree, and carried it back. Can you hear Tim the Toolman yelling his manly, "Arrh! Arrh! Arrh!"?! Hopefully, we'll start thinking about Christmas in the next few days!

After school, we went to visit Anthony in his brand new apartment!! Yeah!...and then off to see Summer and chat a bit...back to the house for a quick dinner and visit with our old friend Jessica Gonzalez while she breezed through town with Justice and Tag!

So tomorrow is Steering Team and our Christmas party, Buddy's appointment for shots, a school outing making gingerbread houses, and hopefully a little school.
In the midst, I've had some great time with God. I've been working through this study on anger, and I keep hoping for some great insight and new suggestions that will snap me out of my sinful ways, but alas, it seems to always be the same answer: PRIDE! I'm soaking up time in the word, time in books, time with other believers who challenge me to grow and pray and seek and trust. I've been overwhelmed and blessed by so many again this week. God is good.
On other fronts....
Bill will be 39 this week! He is busy finishing our shower, hiking mountains to retrieve trees, working an odd schedule, preparing to sing in the Christmas choir and ensemble, and fixing our windshield wipers over and over and over again.
Clayton is growing way too fast, graduating from DARE on Friday, enjoying football on the PS2, and doing well in school.
Riley is turning eight this week, lost another tooth today, and taking up a steady diet of pencils.
Ian remarked to us Monday morning when they got up so early, that it was very dark for daytime. He told Hayden that maybe God was still sleeping and forgot to switch it to day.
Hayden - when we loaded up to head out Monday morning, Hayden was the first to the van. Noone else came and got in, and he was sitting by himself in the dark. He came stomping, tearfully, back in the house, shaking his head, and griping at me that he was all alone out there and noone was with him - noone but God! I tried not to laugh, but it was hard. I'm so glad He's learning now that God is always there!!
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