Today was interesting to say the least. Bill has been taking the van to work because it gets better gas mileage. The van has studded snow tires (thanks to a friend), the wipers work (though they stop in an upright position), and runs well. The heater, however doesn't work unless you get on the interstate, and the driver's side window won't roll up if you roll it down. So, it has some quirks. The truck, however, has four wheel drive and good tires, so it does o.k. in the snow. It does have a quirk in the wipers as well. Today I got to MOPS in the truck without a hitch; but sure enough, when MOPS was over, it was snowing hard. Heidi prayed with me over the wipers and one good wack on the motor box with the wrench and they started up. However, they quit about seven times on the way home. I would stop, hit the box with the wrench, close the hood, and they'd stop again. I finally got home very wet and cold and wondering about getting Clayton from school. As I pulled in, Bill was leaving for work. The van had a headlight out. He tried to roll down the passenger window to talk to me, but it was shaking like it was off kilter just like the driver's side! The wipers on the truck worked fine when I went to get Clayton, so I decided to check the mail and return some movies. While sitting in the parking lot at the grocery store, the "check gauges" light came on - so I checked, and the termperature gauge was all the way to the red! I'm thinking, "Great! I have to turn off the truck and cool down and figure out the radiator - and then the wipers are going to quit!" But as soon as the light came on, it went off, and the temperature gauge went all the way to cool. At the same time, the heat quit. Well, it kept blowing - ice cold air! Oh, well! The wipers were still going! So we went to the bank, and I know everyone thought I was an idiot for sitting under the roof of the drive-thru with my wipers on high speed - but I wasn't going to turn them off for anything! I pulled out of the drive-thru and my window wouldn't roll up! So, here I am: wipers working, heater not working, window down, in the rain driving home! Clayton kept telling me to hit the door. I finally did, and the window rolled up.
I don't think I'm going anywhere else until I HAVE too!
Cream of Broccoli Cheddar Cheese Soup
1 day ago
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