Hayden (standing next to me): Did I grow?
Me: You're always growing (starting to pretend cry). I wish you would stop because one day you're going to get taller than me, then you're going to get married and move out of my house?
Hayden (smile): But will you still be my mommy?
Me: YES! I will always be your mommy. (Kiss the top of his head).
Hayden: When will I get a phone?
I've had a week of sickness, and feel a bit beat up! I slept for 36 hours last weekend and then get a stomache bug in the middle of this week. Now I'm to the point of not knowing what is head cold and what is allergies. I've tried two different allergy meds, and so far nothing has been effective.
In the meantime, our mower has broken down a couple of times. I'm learning lots of new things. I've learned how to drive the mower, empty the grass, fill the tank, check for water in the carberator, clean the filter, oil the filter, drain the gas line, and check the fuel filter. I've also learned how to start and use the weed eater and change the line. I've learned how to operate the blower and mix 2 stroke gasoline. I've also given Clayton a few lessons on the mower and let him do some of the yard. There is now a chore that he ASKS to do!
Our van should be fixed tomorrow. I've really missed it! I'm just grateful to get it back, as there was some doubt in the beginning that it was really fixable (at least repair costs vs. value of the van). I have learned this week though that there are benefits to driving an old Subaru:
1) You can leave it with the windows down and doors unlocked when you go in the store and noone messes with anything.
2) You can *drive* vs. crawl down dirt roads with no real fear of dinging your paint job.
3) You can drive past all the corner lots full of full size vans and SUV's for sale and smile.
4) You can fully appreciate the sliding doors, remote locks, and six passenger seats in your mini-van when you get it back!
Well...off to watch some Ironman!
Cream of Broccoli Cheddar Cheese Soup
1 day ago
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