I'm dreaming of a green June,
Just like the ones I used to know.
Where the campfires crackle,
And children cackle,
And noone goes to summer camp in the snow.
This has been the LONGEST winter ever! No, we don't have snow here. But my poor son went off for a week of church camp with swim gear in tow - and got snowed on! Too crazy!
We're having a little challenge with broken things around here.
Our van is broken.
Our mower is broken.
My wedding ring is, once again, broken.
...and our internet was down most of the week.
The good news is that after three years of comlaining and maintenance reports, the landlord finally sent someone to look at our a/c. SO are A/C now works - which was little consolation at that point in the week when it was still 40 DEGREES OUTSIDE!!!
However, the weather has escelated to the 70's, and if I wasn't sick and had the chills, I would probably be employing that good 'ol a/c.
Bill's parents are here. We've really enjoyed having them around, and the boys are enjoying taking turns spending the night in the trailor.
Yesterday was the anual Liberty Lake yard sales. I spent right about $50 and got a couch; two gaming chairs; two lamps; a set of marlbe works toys; some game boy games; a pair of snow boots for the kids; a pair of shoes for myself; a snowboard with boots, helmet, and goggles; four rolls of wrapping paper; lighting for the basement; and perhaps some other little things I may have forgotten. I LOVE that sale!
Friday night, Dave Colburn, came and spoke at church. He'd been with the kids at camp all week. He brought cougars, wolves, snakes, and alligator snapping turtle, alligators, an owl, a falcon, a vulture, some skunks, etc. He showed the unique predatorial skills of all the animals and related them to sin/satan - the predator of our heart. It was a lot of fun.
Well, off to finish my nasty Theraflu and plop on the couch.
Cream of Broccoli Cheddar Cheese Soup
1 day ago
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