Today was one of those days where you find yourself buried in piles of paperwork, only to find a moment's relief by switching from filling out paper forms to filling out online forms. Bill now has health insurance! YEAH!! After six years, we are thrilled for him to finally have some insurance. But today I found myself pouring over forms. Do we want medical? dental? hi or lo? life? cafeteria plan? insure any dependents? Every form needs filled out and signed, even if we reject coverage. I have to say there is some form of simplicity in having no insurance.
Then there was camp forms and medical waivers and online applications.
If that wasn't enough, the government decided that our household would be one of the lucky ones that got to fill out the U.S. Census forms. So I was forced to cheerfully fill out four pages of information for each member of our household. Well, they can't really force me to do it cheerfully, but it is required by law that I fill it out.
Anyway...besides paper! Bill's parents are on their way, so I'm scrambling to finish the bookcase that Bill's dad helped me repair and rebuild last summer. My books have been unpacked on the kids art table since last August while I intended to refinish that bookcase. I HAVE to have it finished before they get back this summer - though I'm sure they are reading this and already know. But that is a good representation of what this year has been like. We worked on that bookcase around the time Riley had surgery last summer. Then school started and MOPS started, and the year has been packed solid.
Besides all that excitement, we spent the morning picking up rocks and sticks from the Dalton National Dandelion Forest (otherwise known as our yard). This last week we graduated from the push mower with a frozen engine to a used lawn tractor, which will be much more convenient in mowing acreage. We are excited to have some equipment our boys can use and begin to share the load around here a little more.
The apple blossoms have dropped. The lilacs are in bloom. Snow has finally melted off Micah Peak (though my grandma in central Idaho still has snow). Allergy meds prove effective as long as I stay inside. School is all but finished. MOPS is finished. I feel free as a bird. Something about summer makes me feel like every day is a freebie, and I can just be excited about anything I accomplish.
Cute things about the kids recently...
Ian: Mommy! I need to get some leaves for my butterfly, so it will stay in my jar and build a cocoon and change into a catepillar!
Ian and Hayden got summer buzz cuts. I don't like them. Hayden's is o.k. But I don't even know Ian. He's not the same kid. Here's a couple of pics of our "twins."


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