To go out the door this morning:
*11 teacher gifts
*1 tray of cookies for 7th grade language arts party (food donation box went yesterday for the families the school adopted)
*1 tray of cookies for 4h grade party, $1 for party supplies
*1 wrapped book for 2nd grade book exchange
*1 tub of red frosting for kindergarten party
*1 large bag of warm clothes to donate to the 3rd grade class, who is putting together survival kits for the homeless.
Can you guess what I've been doing lately?
I had a bit of an emotional day yesterday. There were several factors involved. I'm sleep deprived and surviving on easily grab-able Christmas goodies. :P I had a two hour with my laptop and You Tube yesterday, and they won. But what really got me going was reading the list of donation items needed to make survival kits for the homeless. There were things like tents, blankets, etc. I'm already getting shaky. Sleep in a tent in this weather? Reality is setting in.
But the item that just sent me into full fledged tears was this:
Socks - matches or not (can even have holes)
Okay. I have an entire pile downstairs that fit in that category. I'm always hoping for the day I succeed and find all their matches. But this is someones Christmas wish? Holey, unmatched socks? Sob.
We've been so blessed this year. It is no secret that we've struggled a lot financially. It seems every year, we are wondering how we are going to pull off Christmas, or if we can do it at all. This year, right before Thanksgiving, God blessed us with an anonymous gift from someone. We were able to pay off some medical debt, have some cushion as we transitioned from unemployment checks to a new pay schedule with Bill's new job, and we were able to think about Christmas. Last week, while I was out and about, someone filled my van with food and presents. We came back to the van, and had to find seats for the kids because it was so full. We have been blown away. For one thing, we don't need any of it. But God has been extravegant with us this year, and I am humbled.
...and if you lost a glove last night in the parking lot by the resort, don't worry. I picked it up for you - and donated it! :)
If your interested, I posted an article last night on Those With Young, called the Unsung Hero of Christmas.
Cream of Broccoli Cheddar Cheese Soup
1 day ago
Merry Christmas! Sounds like you are already having a wonderful season!
11 teacher gifts? How many kids do you have? :)
Yeah, the sock thing got me too! I wish I were closer. We have an entire basket of unmatched socks.
Oh yeah, and as a former teacher...I know those gifts were very appreciated!
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