There are many kinds of Peppernuts. My sister in law's family makes them with anise. They are larger and whiter than the ones I grew up on. This is my Grandma and mom's recipe that is traditional to our family. The original recipe actually calls for pepper. I'm not sure why it is left out. I'm sure there is a story somewhere. So, traditionally for our family, these cookies are to be tiny. In fact, it was kind of a status thing to see who could get their's the smallest.
Pfeffernusse (Peppernuts)
1 c. butter
4 c. brown sugar
1 T. baking soda (in a little hot water)
1 t. salt
1 t. cinnamon
1 t. cloves
1 t. nutmeg
4 eggs
6-1/2 c. flour
1 c. chopped nuts
Mix butter and brown sugar. Add the eggs and baking soda in water. Mix well. Mix in the dry ingredients and then stir in the nuts. Refrigerate overnight. Roll into rolls the width of a pencil. I keep my rolls stacked in a cake pan in the freezer until I'm ready for them. Slice very thin (1/8" or so), lay on baking sheet about 1/2" apart. Bake at 400 degrees. If you work quickly, you will be able to lay out the next tray before the other one is done baking. It is a continuous process that can go on for hours. This recipe makes 1,000's.
I make the anise kind-- -- but yours sound really good too. Might have to give them a try tomorrow!
The reason the black pepper is left out is because my mother called it her "secret" ingredient and everyone just "knew" it went in there. I always put 10-12 shakes of the pepper shaker in mine. I use course grind. She kept the recipe "in the family" that way. But that was before blogs. :D
I have never heard of a peppernut. Hmmmm . . . :)
....and there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. The family secret. The ingredient my peppernuts have been missing for the last 14 years!
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