Every creature was scurrying to get it all done.
There were events to attend and gifts to be bought,
Birthday parties to hold and baked goods to be wrought....
This is always our busiest week. Two birthdays, and a world that decides it is best to get all Christmas events out of the way the first ten days of December.
We celebrated Riley's Birthday on Saturday.
My kids have a thing these days for drawing their own pictures on their cake. Riley wanted a medieval theme, and drew the best Gifford Coat of Arms he could do with food color markers on frosting.
Again, my camera is misbehaving. You would never know that at one time, my family saw great potential in my photography skills.
Yes, that *is* a snow ball sling shot!
We celebrated Bill's birthday on Sunday.
Yes, another French Press!!
My wild-eyed man with his birthday pie - Jeff Davis, of course.
....and then there is Audrey. Sigh. She is getting so big. She is really starting to coo and smile. The cousins had great fun with her yesterday. If you can't tell, her little onesie says, "Who needs Santa? I have grandparents!" Too cute!
Saturday night, we took the kids to North Idaho College for their annual Christmas concert. They did so good at Battle of the Bands, that we decided they were ready for this. We soon found out that our oldest and youngest thought this was an experience that would cause death. They did survive, but they made sure we knew they didn't enjoy.
Hayden was a convinced that one of the songs was sung in pig Latin, and Riley was very concerned when we sang "Don we now our gay apparel"; but overall it was a great success.
We later asked the kids what their favorite part of it was.
Hayden: The part where we got to sing.
Ian: When Mrs. Price sang (one of his teachers - ahh).
Riley: The box drum! (No surprise there.)
Clayton: When we got a candy cane and got to go home.
Last night, we planned on going to Journey through Bethlehem. The kids were so looking forward to it. It is, however, an outdoor event. It is also in Spokane. We left early, so we could hit a couple of Spokane stores first. When we walked from the van to the mall, we suddenly realized something: it was COLD! Not just a little cold...not just bundle up good and you'll be fine cold - but you'll freeze your face off in a matter of seconds COLD. It was so windy, and 1/2 the kids were in tears before we got to the door.
We really wanted to go, but we decided that our skin would indeed freeze off, and there would be no joy in having the kids see frozen dead animals and frost-bitten bible characters....if it wasn't even canceled.
Two of the munchkins were very sad, but Happy Meals make almost everything better.
So today we wake up to 8 degrees. Riley left his clothes on the heat vent last night which will be good for his clothes, but bad for their room temperature....and off we zoom into the second busiest week of the year!
1 comment:
Good luck with your second busy week-yikes!
And it is FRIGID out there!
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