We have a lot going on this week: two work parties (involving potlucks), Hayden's turn to bring snacks to school, and two family birthdays. I really needed to go shopping, so I arranged my whole day with the express purpose of getting to the store before Bill got home with the boys from school. That way, I didn't have to take anyone, explain to anyone why I wasn't taking anyone, or deal with the guilt of peeling children off my body because I wasn't taking anyone.
It worked!
Howbeit, I did forget that it was the 1st of the month, and everyone else and their pet chihuahua would be at the store. My cart was completely overflowing, so the checker had to go get a different cart to load the bagged groceries in because I wasn't getting them unloaded quickly enough. I then realized that their can be one benefit to bringing strong boys with you to the store....pushing the second cart. Much to the amazement of my checker, I did get it all back into one cart.
The whole process only took THREE HOURS!! Are you kidding me? I came home exhausted and with a headache of course - which isn't the best thing to combine with four boys jumping up and down excited to see what all came home. They opened the back hatch to the van and the apple butter rolled out on the pavement, but it survived the fall and didn't brake. It did NOT, however, survive the second dropping in the kitchen. So while Bill was cleaning up apple butter and glass, I tried to clear a path in our "one butt kitchen" (as my friend Julie affectionately calls it). I directed the apple butter dropper to the table where he could carry cans down to the cold cellar. Moments later I hear another yell. Yes, the apple butter dropper has now dropped the apple juice. The lid has broken, and 1/3 of a 64 oz. bottle has spilled on the floor and splashed up the filing cabinet and under the filing cabinet and all over the post board stored beside the filing cabinet. Is this for real?
I wish I could say that I handled it all calmly like I did yesterday when a glass got broken and I simply called out "watch your feet! Go get shoes!" But this was not one of my prouder mom moments. Needless to say, I had some apologizing to do.
But the fridge is cram packed. There is no way anything else will fit, and I am officially ready to begin my "no more free nights, five holiday events in five days" week....oh, after I go take advantage of five hours of sleep. Sigh.
Cream of Broccoli Cheddar Cheese Soup
1 day ago
1 comment:
I am glad I am not the only mom who has to go back and apologize :)
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