Monday, November 3, 2008

My Country 'Tis of Me!

So today is the day! - the day Americans decide what they think is important. I remember having the same thoughts go through my mind four years ago, as I do now. Do we decide to do what is morally right - to choose freedom, independence, and captialism - or to choose what we think will put more money in our pocket books?

Now, I could get on a whole soap box on that issue alone - on whether or not one candidate will yield more money in someone's pockets. But I will forego that for tonight.

It is true. The economy isn't great right now. If anyone understands that, we do. Bill is laid off for the third time in our marriage. We have consistently lived on less than ideal - and lack of education has not been to blame.

However, we live in a land where we are all guaranteed the ability and right to pursue happiness. There is nothing in our constitution that gives our government the responsibility to guarantee me a job or a certain income, or even an education. We are guaranteed the right to pursue.

My new job allows me to daily interact with countless moms who have found an inventive way to earn money from home. They have risen above the challenges of economy and started companies and invented products. They are remarkable, and they are what America is about. America is not about expecting someone else to always float our boat.

It would be nice to have free medical care. Who wouldn't love that? We've rarely had any health insurance during our marriage, and it is true - lots of things get let go. But it isn't my government's job to make sure I have it.

Bill and I have never owned a home. We chose not to get ourselves in over our head when the housing market was high and lenders were offering us no money down. We chose to wait until we could do it on reasonable terms. Now our taxes will go to bail out our fellow citizens who didn't choose so wisely. Because after all, shouldn't the government choose that we all get to bail out anyone who is having trouble?

The T-shirt pictured here is a real-live shirt I saw at Wal-mart this summer, during the seasonal 4th of July sales. It is a shameful, disgrace to the heart of America. It says what far too many Americans really do believe in their hearts, "It's all about me!"

Our nation is in dire trouble when we choose to make everything about us. I want healthcare! I want lower taxes! I want you to promise me a job! I want you to bail out my mortgage! I want you to be responsible for my investments and my retirement! I want you to pay for my education. I want. I want! I WANT! Do what you have to. I don't care who pays for it. I don't care if you kill unborn children, if you open our nation to attack from terrorists, if you allow gay marriage, if you indoctrinate our children into all believing that they came from nothing and therefore life has little value. I just want the promise of more dollars in my pocket.

To me this election is the time when Christians make a choice. They make a choice to vote for their own way, or for God's way. You may think I'm over-simplifying things. But sometimes that is just the way it has to be. Why? Because God is pretty simple sometimes. He says, "Honor me, and I will honor you." He promises blessings and prosperity and healing on the nation that honors Him and chooses to do things His way. You cannot improve your personal situation by choosing to be bigger than God and test what He says is proven.

So...get past the hype. Get past the media, the hub-bub, and the message of your peers. Get on your knees and ask God what the right choice really is.

Don't vote for yourself. Vote for the freedom, prosperity, and blessing of your nation!

...and right here at the end, I'm tempted to apologize for my soapbox and promise not to do it often. But you know what? It's my blog! Tonight, I'm going to say what I think, and if it makes you mad, you can take it up with me later. I'll be happy to have the discussion.

So to lighten the mood, I'll end with a joke...well, I'm not sure it is a joke. But it is funny.

On CNBC today, a Democratic operative pointed out that when

Obama holds a rally 25-30,000 people show up; whereas when

McCain holds one he only draws 10-15,000.

The Republican spokesman replied, without skipping a beat

'That's because McCain's supporters are at work.'

At that point, the interview promptly ended!

...and I really wish I could have posted this sooner, but I've been busy working because that is what Americans do when hard times hit - they work harder. They don't sit around finding new people to blame or beg to make up the difference for them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this. Would you mind if I post this on my facebook or at least provide a link? It is well put.
