Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Ahh! French Press Coffee! 'Tis divine. I shall never return to my old ways of drip. :D

In other breaking news, we are having company tomorrow. Since the house is a horrible construction zone mess (new flooring still in process), I thought I'd make up for it by baking something yummy. After surveying the pantry, I decided that Grossma's Gingercreams were just the ticket - a yummy soft molasses/ginger cookie. So I busily got to mixing. I even had some cold coffee left in the pot. Perfect! I can make them just like Grandma did.....until I realized I was out of ginger! Well...I guess they will be more of a soft cinnamon/coffee cookie. That's not all bad. Good thing my kids like coffee!

By the way, I inserted some pictures into previous blogs of Riley's face after his accident, Clayton's birthday, and the garden work if you care to take a gander.

The goal for yesterday was to finish planting the garden. I really think that ideally, gardens are planted before June. (major eye-roll going on here). But it is North Idaho, so I’m not as far behind as some might think. However, the weather, once again, has decided to *not* cooperate. Instead, I decided to make it a major kitchen cleaning, re-organization day. I moved several things around to free up a large cabinet for all of my china. Then I moved all the china from the cold cellar up to the kitchen. After that, I could move all of the canning jars from my hall pantry to the cold cellar where they nicely sit on the shelves, anxiously waiting to be filled with the fruits of the unplanted garden. Then I was able to move all the paper goods from the cold cellar and kitchen counter (blushing here) to the hall pantry. Ahh! That was a long time coming!

I also watched my exercise video - yes watched. The object was to make a cheat sheet for myself, so I no longer have to watch the video while exercising. I can exercise and watch the news, or HG, or something a little more motivating than, “Breathe in. Breath out.”

…and can I just say I love sheet protectors…you know the little vinyl pages you can slip a document into. They make great checklists w/ a dry erase marker and can be used over and over. My kids can mark out their spelling words as they right them (for the one whose prone to losing his place). I can put my newly typed up exercises into one and snap it in my clipboard, etc. LOVE THEM!

Friday, May 25, 2007

Last Day of School!

Today was the last day of school. We made a silly cupcake cake and had popcicles. Since it was party day, Hayden thought we should have party hats. We didn't have any, so he decided we should make some from my blue flowered wrapping paper. Super silly! We let the boys take turns throwing wet sponges at us, then played water balloon tag.

Other events of the day included cleaning up all the school books and papers, getting a new sprinkler to aim just right on the garden, making thank you notes for Clayton's birthday gifts, and filling out an application to volunteer over the summer in our children's ministry which involved looking up every address for the last seven years! Some of you are laughing right now! Really, its getting better. We've lived here for two years, and our last home for three. So I only needed four addresses! :D

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Ahhh, spring!

Spring in North Idaho can be very unpredictable. Today we woke up to rain, then in the afternoon we had hail. By dinnertime it was sunny and warm. Around eight, it began raining through the sunshine.

Spring means 27 holes of golf in a short day.
Spring means children robbing my egg cartons to help the birds fill their poor empty nests.
Spring means muddy floors.
Spring means hours of working in the garden.
Spring means blooming lilacs and apple trees.

Tonight the boys and I planted small canteloupe, watermelon, and pumpkin starts. Daddy threw around the frisbee with them, and helped rehang their rope swing. It is such a happy feeling to watch out the window while daddy plays with his boys.

We're making final plans to drive to Arkansas to visit family and friends this summer. We're trying hard to plan our route. Do we make it quick and efficient or see as many people as we can? We may be calling some of you! :D

Clayton had his checkup today. You know, they just keep coming up with more shots! Everytime the kids go in, they say, "O.K., that's all until they're 11." And then the next time we have an appointment, we find out that there is a new shot. I'm fine with it. I just feel bad for the poor kids. Clayton was very brave, though. He's getting so old. Today was Hep A, since they didn't give those in Arkansas when we lived there and a brand new chicken pox booster that they've just decided to start giving. I'm so amazed that my son, who used to be the smallest kid in the nursery is now 80% for weight. He's gained 20 pounds this year!! Watch out world!

I promise I'll put some pictures on soon. We've borrowed my brother and SIL's camera for a week or so to take before and after shots of the flooring. So we caught Clayton's birthday and a few other pics, too. Boy, I miss having a camera!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Cutie Kiddos

Tonight making dinner...
Hayden: "What kind of meat are we having?"
Riley: "Is it pork? Deer pork?"
Me: "No, its beef."
Hayden: "Oh, so does it come from a beaver?"

After dinner...
Clayton has been hosting Riley in his room this week, so that Riley didn't have to sleep on the top bunk while recovering from his concussion. Tonight, Clayton decided he was tired of the arrangement, so he threw a mattress in the other boys' bedroom floor so Riley could sleep in there. Riley and Ian got jumping on the mattress, and Riley fell and hit his head! You can't be safe enough around here!

Living in Faith
Last night I was mulling over/meditating on Galatians 2:20. "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me."
A couple of things this verse says to me:
1- Truly viewing life as being crucified to ourselves and totally living for someone else makes faith so much easier. We struggle with faith when we begin to feel that we have something to protect. Like this life belongs to ourselves or something.
2 - Being crucified with Christ, our whole entire life is lived by faith. We are just here in an earth suit walking out in faith what God has for us here. Why is a small step easier than a big step. Our whole lives should be about faith.
3 - We are living in faith for someone who loves us so much that he gave his life for us. He wants what's best for us more than we do. What do we have to fear?

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Ten Years of Mothering

There is something about your first child's birthday. I know it is supposed to be about them, but I can't help spending a lot of my thoughts today reflecting. Your first child's birthday is about so much more than how old they are getting or how big they are getting. It is a marker for how long you've been parenting. Ten years as a mom! I haven't stuck with many other things for that length of time. At the risk of sounding "Hollywood," it is so surreal!

....and there is nothing like 12 boys running through the yard with Super Soakers and then settling around the table to scream "Happy Birthday" and then hold a belching contest!

Riley's Accident

We usually host homegroup on Monday nights. Our house is all torn up while we work on the flooring, so this last week we decided to move the group.........to the porch. It was so warm outside. Everyone's kids were playing outside, too. Riley and Clayton went for a bike ride - but Riley didn't wear his helmet. We really didn't realize they were riding, or I would have caught him about the helmet. Anyway, we heard a scream. Our property is such that I can't see the road he was on from our house, so I ran through the field. On the way down, a couple of little boys I've never seen came running from our pond and hopped on bikes and tore off. I must have scared them! Riley had wrecked bad. A gentlemen who was on his way to our house had already stopped and loaded Riley into his truck and put his bike in the back. His face was really scraped up and swelling fast. I hopped in the truck too and we took him home.

Bill carried him in, but I really thought we were just dealing with cuts and scrapes - so I sent Bill back out with the group (he was supposed to be leading) and offered to clean Riley up. I put him in the tub since he was filthy, and he began to talk crazy. How did this happen? Was I riding my bike? Where am I going to sit during the service? I began asking him questions like, "What did we have for dinner?" "Do you remember what we did in the garden today?" He didn't remember anything.

Jonathan and Michelle were at our house in about three minutes. The took the other kids and a haphazardly packed suitcase of jammies, blankies, and toothbrushes. We tore off to the ER and left everyone at our house. "Close the doors when you leave!"

We couldn't even keep Riley awake on the way to the hospital. I couldn't remember the protocol, but thought we shouldn't let him go to sleep. After we got there, they said he could go to sleep, and they would wake him if they needed to. They began to ask lots of questions?
"Has he hit his head any other time recently?"
"Umm....actually....yes. Today, he knocked the ladder over while swinging on the rope from the tree. The ladder came down and hit him on the head."
"Hmm....two head whacks in a row like that compounds the possibility of a concussion. Has he been throwing up?"
"That's good. Are there any concerns for your children's safety in your home?"
"Ummm....maybe that there are four of them!"
Fortunately the triage nurse has two boys. One of hers has been in twice for the same thing, so there was a bit of compassion.

They wheeled him in for a CT scan shortly after, and he began throwing up. That is when I got worried. They said it was good that he hadn't thrown up. Now, he's throwing up. What does that mean?

All said and done, he has a concusion, but nothing worse. Praise God! We had to wake him every three hours that night and keep him down resting the next day. He is forbidden to do anything of risk for two weeks, and we have him sleeping in another bed (he usually has the top bunk).

So about two days later, Ian was throwing his shovel up in the air and trying to catch it. It landed at the corner of his eye with the point. Black eye and a small cut. Good grief! He learned quickly. He played it up well and every time we asked him to do anything, he would tell us that he couldn't remember how to do anything because he had a concussion and his brain was jiggled!

Bubble Gum Praise
Last night I had to grab a couple of things from Walmart for the birthday party today. The kids usually use their allowance to get gumballs from the big bubblegum machine at church. The money goes to kid's camp, and its their money. But, they haven't gotten allowance for awhile. We happened to have some quarters last night, so I decided I'd treat my boys with gumballs. I had a migraine, and wasn't thinking too very clearly. I only saw one .25 machine of green apple gumballs, so I plunked the first quarter in. The apple green gumble came out half dissolved and damp. Gross! I looked up inside and it looked like pop had been spilled or something. Yuck! So I threw it away, but was frustrated I'd wasted a quarter. I spotted another machine, and put in a quarter. One gumball came out. Then I put in the next quarter, and paused to say, "Lord, it would sure be nice if two would come out one of these times. I turned the dial and sure enough, two gumballs! Jesus has such a tender heart. I'm more and more convinced of it.

So many times the last few days I've realized what little things God has done to love on me - Like when I was rushing home to my own son's party today. I was late and took the wrong turn. I ended up in a town I didn't even mean to go through. At the same time, a friend called, whose son was supposed to be at my house for the party. She expressed some confusion about the party date and that he would be late. I knew it was the Lord. I was right there. I picked him up in two minutes and took him with me. I got home very tired, worn out from a marathon couple of days. There were twelve boys at my house...but my sister-in-law and another good friend were there too. I immediately thanked God for friends and the rest He was giving my spirit with the refreshment of fellowship.

Also, another praise...a refund we've been waiting on from the state for over two months, finally arrived today!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Hopes Up, Floors Down, and Gardens In

I received an exciting e-mail from MOPS this week saying they would be reviewing my proposal with interest and respond when they've made a decision. I feel like a teenage girl analyzing every word a boy has said to her. Is that a stock reply? Could they be interested? I get all shaky thinking about it.

Many have been wondering what I've been up to. I wrote out a big blog earlier tonight, but somehow my modem got turned off, and clicking "post" made everything disappear in cyberspace. One of these days I will learn to cut and paste in my own files before I submit. So, I'm a bit disheartened. I'll share a bit and promise to come back.

We've been tearing out and replacing flooring in our house. The homeowner told us last fall he would pay for it, if we did it. But we'd about given up since he never had sent the money. He finally did last week, and Bill jumped on it! All of this has meant disconnecting the computer and moving furniture everywhere. Hence my absence this week. We have nice light tile going in the kitchen and dining area and will carpet the living room and stairs after Clayton's birthday party this weekend. No sense putting in new carpet for 17 boys with waterguns!!

Also, we've been putting in a garden. That was my mother's day request. Bill got it all tilled up, and I've been working with the kids on getting rocks out and planting. It is good soil, but so rocky. We'll see what happens. When you have a fenced garden area and a box of seeds from grandpa, you might as well try, right? We're doing half the garden in rows, planting pumpkins, watermelons, and acorn squash. Half the garden we're doing in a square method, planting corn, cucumbers, beans, zuchinni, yellow squash, canteloupe, radishes, carrots, and lettuce. Ambitious, I know. Like I said, We'll see what happens.

Real Mom Moments
At MOPS we always take time to share the things we experience with our kids during the week.
One I shared: Last week running errands with the kids, we went to a store with an overflowing trashcan outside. A cup with a straw was sticking out, and on the way by, Ian helped himself to a slurp. I thought I was going to lose my breakfast. As I was freaking out, "Gross! Why did you do that? That could make you sick!!", a drop of milky brown substance dripped off his mouth to his arm. It wasn't even pop. Disgusting!
One I experienced that morning: We were all wearing aprons to introduce next year's theme. I forgot I was wearing my childcare pager on the back of my waistband because of the apron. I made a quick potty stop before getting the kids, because who knew how long it would be before I could go to the bathroom by myself. Anyway, I heard a plunk, quickly turned, and realized I had dropped the church's pager in the toilet. Oops! I couldn't stop laughing. I sheepishly returned the fogging up, damp pager to the child care lead and explained that I dropped it before "going." She died laughing. I'm so glad I had plenty of people to laugh with. My apologies to the next one who gets that pager. LOL!

Anyway, I'll hopefully be back soon to share about Riley's recent concussion, and more of our faith journey. I guess for now, I better go fold the six loads of laundry on my bed so we can sleep in it!!

Monday, May 7, 2007

A Fish Named Connie

Ian has a pet fish now. It is a little plastic goldfish that he received as a prize at church on Friday. He has lovingly kept her in the bathtub and gathered worms from outside to put in the tub for her food. When others question why she doesn't move, he insists, "She's sleeping with her eyes open." It is interesting to have one boy who doesn't have a concept of reality vs. fiction, and another who is adamant that there be no error in anyone's conversations.

Worrying About Faith
Something I've learned from our own journey and those who have opened their hearts to us concerning their's. It seems that much more time and energy is spent worrying about what will happen *if* we take a step of faith, than the actual doing of it.

Let me encourage you....it's worth it! It's hard, but nothing compares to the peace of obedience. When you are following Christ in faith, you can confidently say, "That's not my problem." Most of your problems simply become the responsibility of The One Who called you to step out. He's got you covered! It's much worse to mourn over the life you wonder if you could have if you did it.

A friend recently said, "We always want the greener grass in someone else's yard, until we realize what it was fertilized with." So true! Life feels pretty exciting for us today, but wow!, the last two months have been pretty hair-raising - and I'm not sure we won't be back there again. Everything comes at a price! Have you spent some time lately considering the cost of serving Christ? (Luke 14:26-35) Are you in this to be a disciple? or just hoping for a good fire insurance policy?

Blog Subscriptions
Thankfully, I have a few friends that are much more web-savvy than I. Now if you look to the right of the screen, you will see a blogarithm button. You can fill in your e-mail address and receive and e-mail every time I update. If you e-mailed me yesterday, I've already entered your address.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

The Book Proposal

Another new blog?! Well, yes. I purposefully started a new blog to document our journey of faith and testify to others of God's goodness. However, I gave the web address to some whom we've chosen not to share all the details of our life with at this point - which has meant, I can't really say anything. In the meantime, I found myself not sharing much of anything at all because I had to be so careful with what I said. So, here is another new one where I can share with those who are asking....the ups, the downs, and everything in between of our faith journey. As well as the fun things about motherhood and life.

I went to the lake yesterday to work on my book proposal. I had to finish a three paragraph summary of my book, and it was eating my lunch. The wind was blowing too cold to sit outside, so I strategically parked my van to have a beautiful view of the lake and rolled my windows down for a bit of fresh air and nature sounds.

It wasn't the lakeview that inspired me, though. It was the young mom in the mini-van next to me lovingly juggling her nursing baby, her cover-up, her spit rag, and her cell phone. I couldn't stop smiling. This is how we moms live - continuously juggling all the responsibilities we have in life, feeling the whole world rests on our shoulders. Everyone depneds on us.

Yet a mom who knows the Lord, knows she is not depenedable without Him. She has to be plugged into the power source. That is my inspiration - the gnawing, ever-present need in my own heart to be plugged into the power source and the deep desire for other moms to discover what I've discovered: It's possible, and it is worth it!

Before too long, that sweet mom opened the slider and did the all too familiar changing of the baby on the van floor before removing the crying three year old from his car seat that just awoke from a nap. They joined the rest of the family on the beach to play in the sand. I laughed as I realized it was hopeless to get away from presence of little ones to write anywhere I went; but that's a good thing. This book wouldn't have happened, if God didn't keep the need freshly alive in my heart by my own overwhelmed state. So I enjoyed just a few more minutes of quiet before a truck pulled in beside me. Mom got out ran around and sat in the back seat, removed a crying infant from a car seat, and began to nurse.

Today is momentous. I nervously hit "send" on perhaps the most important e-mail I've ever sent in my life to date. Ever so sheepishly..."Here I am. Consider me. Please look at my book." I'm still shaking!

God is so good, though. Another week of wondering where we'd be this week. Bills to pay. No money. The frustration of Bill still waiting to get on the golf course. We purposed this was the weekend the book would be submitted. While talking with my mom about my book proposal, I mosied online to my bank and realized our tax return had come. No joke! The day after the book proposal is submitted, Bill will be able to start golfing. His timing is precise!

So with that, we are currently to date on bills and able to move forward. It hasn't always been that way. We've had some really tough times. I'll share more of that later. Right now, I just need to give these poor typing fingers a break before they fall off!!