Saturday, September 15, 2007

(Written Thursday - but no time to finish and post)

The last few weeks have been completely overwhelming. Many factors involved, but the biggest simply being the whole home schooling thing. I’ve felt like an over-worked robot, who simply can’t keep up with the demand. I feel *I* have 12 hours of schoolwork each day (13 subjects) to accomplish.
The hardest thing about all the stress is that it reveals so many character flaws in me. Honestly, I can’t work on this many things at once. *I* have so much to work on. The kids can get distracted, push my buttons, and goof off. But it is my attitude that needs the most work. Yes, it is frustrating to be running crazy and pass my husband resting on the couch with his knee propped up day in and day out. But it is my servant’s heart that is lacking.
Today has been a really good day. I have a few ideas why. They won’t happen everyday. Some I have no control of, but some are very intentional. Here are my ideas:
*I’ve been sharing my struggles with others, and they have been praying for me. (accountability James 5:16)
*I got out of the house last night and went to exercise. (taking care of me)
*Bill and I spent some time in an online parenting class last night. (training for the job)
*A bestest girlfriend called last night. (time to laugh and fellowship)
*I ended my night in the Word. (spiritual food)
*I got up early today. (discipline)
*I started my day today on my face before the Lord. (humility and submission)
*I spent some time this morning praying for others (getting focus off self!)

Some random things from the week….
After a long day Tuesday, I sat and looked through baby albums. I needed to be reminded how cute and precious my kiddos are - and they are!

Reviewing with Riley this week “may” and “can”:
Me: “Each sentence has a blank to fill in the word “may” or … can you guess?
Riley: June?

Playing a syllable game with Ian where we turned over a card with a picture and got to move the number of spaces on the game board that the picture word had. Ian turned over a spider, but was really wanting to win and insisted that it was a ta-ran-tu-la!

On a recent drive around the lake, we heard lots of giggling in the backseat. We turned around to see Riley sucking on Hayden’s bare toes! Gross! Boys!

I’ve been wondering why God gave us toenails to begin with. I’m sure he had something better than nail polish in mind.

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