Thursday, July 24, 2008

Blog Subscriptions

A friend (aka "O") tipped me off today that she hadn't been receiving her blog subscriptions. I failed to mention on here that "blogarithm" recently was bought out. So, the e-mail address the subscriptions come from has changed. You may check your "junk/spam" folder for something coming from "RssFwd Daily Digest". That address will now be the one it is coming from, and you may need to add it to your address book, depending on how your spam filters work. Thanks for your patience!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So THAT's what happened! I've missed reading your blogs! I haven't been getting any e-mails either and thought you were just too busy to blog ;)
I "found" you again thru Kim Musgroves link. I've been busily reading all of your recent blogs.

Your family has been BUSY! How is Bill's leg now?
Have you decided to go back to college? I'm halfway through. It's been challenging with my sahm/daycare owner status and two boys ( one of whom is doing martial arts and football!) and one vehicle. You know how that is.

I also think we have a Riley. Our Steven is so rambunctious and is going to have so many "man" scars it's unreal. He reminds me so much of Riley. lol We recently took him to the ER because he jumped off the couch and decided to bust his head open on the coffee table. Before the dr could get his head glued shut, with blood still dripping down his forehead, he was demanding to go home. lol ay yi yi. He's fine but I think in the 2 years that we've had him, I've aged at least 10 more. lol I need to keep that boy in a bubble! ;)

It's good to catch up with you!