Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My Morning Menu

I have way too many things to try to accomplish in the morning before work. Try as I may, I just can't get them all done. It just isn't possible, no matter what time I get up in the morning.

It is like picking from a menu.
  • Exercise
  • Shower
  • Dress
  • Read Bible
  • Do Hair
  • Do Makeup
  • Eat Breakfast
  • Switch a load of laundry
  • Empty Dishwasher
They are all important. If I don't exercise in the morning, it rarely happens, and I NEED to be exercising. If I exercise and don't shower - well, that is just gross. If I don't do my hair and makeup, I look like a hag all day and avoid going anywhere in public if at all possible. If I don't read my Bible in the morning, then I just don't start off right. If I don't empty the dishwasher, then the whole day's dishes pile up all over the kitchen until I get off work.

The problem is, I can only pick five of the nine....on a really good morning, I might get six.

Can you guess which ones I've been skipping lately? Have you seen me lately? Well, there is your answer. Am I using my own picture on my Facebook profile? Has anyone run into me in public this week? Do I really exist?

Back to the days where makeup was for special occasions and my hair gets done twice a week. I've been fairly humbled this week. I've had to go into my kids' school three times.

This morning, we were 30 minutes late for school. Unbelievable.....and it wasn't because I took time to look beautiful - but of course, I had to go in and sign everyone in looking lovely.

I had to really focus myself on their sweet prayers the night before to get through the hassle of this morning. Last night, they were praying for Haiti. It was so priceless. So special. Two of them prayed that we could adopt one of the babies. ...a boy of course!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad I am not the only one who doesn't have enough time!
Are you really considering adoption?

Sara Jones said...

Angela, this is Sara Jones from MOPS days. I have been a lurking reader for sometime and always enjoy your blog.

I wanted to let you know how great I think "Those With Young" is and I'm REALLY excited about your BOYS blog. If you recall I have a girl and two little boys, with a fourth on the way. Two boys, 19 months apart, constantly keep me guessing. I love all your stories and already implemented the "potty room, potty talk" thing.

Just wanted to say hi and thanks for all your writing. I'm excited to see how God continues to bless you.

If you're ever interested you can check me out at

Sara Jones said...

I'm glad you came by to visit my blog! I update it pretty regularly but it's been kind of crazy lately. As you may have gathered we are getting ready to move and while well worth it, the process has been exhausting. I'd like to do more with my blog in the future but for now I'm happy just to keep in touch with friends.

My due date is June 13 but I ALWAYS cook my babies a bit longer so I'm saying the middle of June. Aubrey is so excited but we have had to encourage her about the possibility of another boy. She really wants a sister. Greg and I told her that God gets to pick and that he knows the perfect person to join our family. About two weeks ago she came up to me and said, "Okay Mom, I think I can love another brother." There's a glowing endorsement!