Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Medical Diaries

Riley has had strep four times since Christmas, so last week, we paid a visit to an ENT. He is now scheduled to get his tonsils out, July 12. I'm so hoping this results in better sleep for him and a much better school year for him next year. It has been a really bad years for all of my kids.

Riley has also been blacking out at school and generally feeling woozy a lot. After checking every other option we could think of, the docs decided an EEG was in order.

It was quite the process, I'll tell you.

First, he had to be sleep deprived. So we were to keep him up until midnight the night before, and then wake him up at 4:00 a.m. and keep him up.

At the hospital, they first marked his head in 28 places (precisely measured), with a good ol' fashioned magic marker.

Then they scrubbed those spots perfectly clean. Then they glued 28 little gold-capped thingies to the marked places and then taped them down.

Then they wrapped him up like a mummy and sent me out of the room while they ran some tests.

We're still waiting on results.

Two weeks ago, Riley was hit in the mouth by a swing at the church playground, resulting in two chipped teeth. We had them patched, and the patches have already come out.

Last week, Hayden was leaving a birthday party when a mean old branch jumped out of a bush and grabbed his face, literally laying it open. He got three stitches that night.

Some exciting news....Bill's foot is moving a little more each week. Thank you, Jesus!

We also had a little excitement with flooding this week, you can read about that on Let's Talk About Boys if you want.


Imagine That! said...

Eli has had a couple of EEG's too, and sleep depravation for the child means sleep depravation for the parents as well. Hope the tonsillectomy is the cure. You don’t need anymore-medical issues in your family.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should become a doctor ;) You'd save $$ in the long run. HA!