Thursday, October 15, 2009

Gifford Infirmary, Day 23

Today Riley stayed home with 103 fever. He was yelling at us from bed this morning about how he WAS going to school, and we couldn't stop him. This boy loves school. He told us if we wouldn't take him, he would ride his scooter. But he never made the four mile ride. He fell asleep instead.

Hayden said he was ready to go back to school because he was ready to be chased by girls. Oh boy!

Bill came home from work not feeling well. SO, we decided to forego home group altogether and keep our family in the quarantine zone. I haven't felt sick yet, just on the edge - that sleep deprived feeling with the lingering almost sore throat. I've just felt like staying in my warm house and not doing anything. Not that I've been able to not do anything, but I've felt like it. That is not normal for me.

I did feel a little obligated tonight though, to use my time putting up some of the fall produce. I tackled three little pie pumpkins that I got for .58 each at Wal-Mart. So for a few hours of scooping pulp, steaming squash, letting my hands completely wither and dry out, I have about the equivalent of $1.74 worth of canned pumpkin from Wal-Mart...and if you hadn't guessed, that is .58x3. So this pie from fresh pumpkin better taste magnificent compared to the canned.

So now I'm staring at this big bag of apples on the counter - from our tree - lovingly picked by my crippled husband before the second freeze because the kids were being less than helpful. I know my kids would be delighted if I made homemade apple butter. They LOVE apple butter. But the last time I made it, I didn't read the recipe very well before I started. So after I have it all prepared and in the pan, I read the part that tells me I need to stir it constantly for 2 hours! I'm not quite up for that again.

Things to be thankful for:
  1. Our neighbor just paid someone to come wash our windows. I'd be tempted to wonder if they just wanted a better view inside our house or maybe they are so dirty that they can't stand to glance our way. But, the truth is, he has been doing bunch of excavating (rather putting a softball field in), stirring up dirt and felt it was the right thing to do. We were terribly bothered by our dirty windows. So bothered, in fact, that we've discussed washing them for four years now. It IS really nice to have them clean.
  2. Our niece, Libby, is going to help me make a real-live logo for Those With Young. Yippee!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hope everyone is feeling better today. I'm so glad to have found your blog! :)